Million Dollar Idea Maker.

Written by Gary Durkin

Continued from page 1

This is a perfect example of taking something which already exists, and remodelling it, re-branding it, re-marketing it, finding a niche for it - and away you go.

Look atrepparttar music industry. It’s rife with similar concepts, which make millions. Bands, groups, singers, performers…. often do ‘cover versions’ - that is they will copy a song or track previously done by another artist.

Sometimes music is a ‘fusion’ - a mix of existing styles, but blended together to create something new. How about ‘sampling’? Taking a beat, rift, chord, chorus, few lines, track….. From another artist, and remixing it to create something different.

All they have done is to use something that already exists, make a few changes, amendments, alterations, improvements - and RESELL IT.

Unless you can reinventrepparttar 102821 wheel, or perfect ’cold fusion’ -repparttar 102822 World is jam packed full of existing markets, products, systems, services, concepts, ideas and customers - all of which can be used as your drawing board to get started.

First of all, where to locate great concepts?

Look around. What do you like? What do you dislike? Can it be improved? Can you take a hot product and improve it? Can to take a mediocre product and develop it? Can you take a completely useless product, and turn it in something better? Listen to what others say.

Can you re-package something? Bundle it? Deliver it differently? Re-brand it? Find a different, untapped market for a product which already exists, but is focussed on a different customer-base?

Can you add more value, more options, better support or service?

Do you use a product and think to yourself…. “Wow…. That’s great… but if only it did this too….”

Here arerepparttar 102823 vital tools and tips which you will need to start you off creating your own Million Dollar Ideas.

1. Your Eyes - seems obvious, but always be aware and onrepparttar 102824 ‘look-out’. 2. Your Ears - keep them open listen to people, those around, what they say about products, especiallyrepparttar 102825 things they dislike, as this could be a great start for you, if you can removerepparttar 102826 problem with an existing product, you may just have a seller.

3. Your Mind. Keep this open too. And try to think ‘laterally‘. 4. A notebook and a pen / pencil (write your ideas down - don’t forget them!) 5. Go back to number 3 and remember to do this! 6. A ‘sounding board’ - a way of discussing your ideas with a few trusted others. 7. Patience. It may take a little time,repparttar 102827 best ideas don’t necessarily come instantly -stick with it. 8. Don’t get down-heartened if some of your ideas don’t pan out. Just start again. 9. Don’t’ spend too much time over ideas. Give yourself 60 seconds (no more) to think of a product, service, system etc., Then Stop. Then spend 9 minutes writing down as much as you can, allrepparttar 102828 pros and cons ofrepparttar 102829 ‘idea’, how it can be improved, simplified, delivered - just write as much as you can in those 9 minutes. Then STOP. Take a break. A good break. In fact put your notes away tillrepparttar 102830 next day. Then review them.

When you do finally come up with a really hot idea for a product, service, system etc., don’t tellrepparttar 102831 World until you’ve taken a few steps to protect yourself! Get advice from experts - Lawyers, Business Professionals…… Patents…. Copyright…….. It’s important to get these right, or else someone may steal your idea, register it first and make HIS/HER fortune from YOU!

That leads me on torepparttar 102832 last area. Don’t outright steal someone else’s idea, product etc. Breach of Copyright can be serious, Patents are relatively easy register, but a little care is needed - and plagiarism is just downright nasty!

In summary, Million Dollar Ideas can be found in TWO PLACES.

1. Everywhere inrepparttar 102833 outside world. 2. Inside YOU.

It’s just a case of putting them together. Some ofrepparttar 102834 best ideas, really arerepparttar 102835 simplest.

An article by Gary Durkin Founder of the Internet Advice Center®

Gary has more than a decade of offline international business success behind him and has been doing business online for 6 years.

© Copyright 2005 - All Rights Reserved worldwide.

You are free to distribute this article, providing it remains unchanged and with the resource / bio box attached.

Real Estate Investors And The Internet

Written by Mark Walters

Continued from page 1

When a potential buyer or seller contacts us we can refer them to those pages. This saves hours of time answering questions about location, price, number of bedrooms, etc.

What about Web site #2? We use this page to help recruit "bird dogs". We feel that an important part of every investor's marketing program should be an ongoing effort to find people who will search out motivated home sellers for us.

Where ever possible in our marketing material we include this line... "We will pay you CASH to find home sellers!" Then we will includerepparttar URL of our "bird dog" recruiting site. We dorepparttar 102820 same with inexpensive ads in penny-saver types of publications.

You will find an example of our bird dog Web page here:

We don't spend much time on these sites after they are up and running. The only pages that change on a regular basis our are homes for sale and rent pages. They take just a few minutes to add and delete.

Any work on Web pages that takes more than a few minutes is taking you away from more important marketing tasks. Keep it simple and keep moving toward profit producing projects.

About The Author: Mark Walters is a third generation real estate investor. His Web sites include:

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