Microsoft's RSS Longhorn Announcement - What It Really Means To You?

Written by Titus Hoskins

Continued from page 1

In that light, it can't be understated that Microsoft's incorporation of RSS into Windows is one of those true 'turning points' that has to be acknowledged. It does change how computers andrepparttar Internet will work.

This is a great step forward in making RSS an integrated and seamless component of computers andrepparttar 145391 Internet.

At last, someone has gotten RSS right.

Not much probably!

Does DOS mean anything to you? If you're like 95% of computer users - probably not much. But that doesn't stop us from enjoying our computers and fully benefiting from DOS. Sometimes complete ignorance is bless.

Unless you're a techie and such technical stuff sets your heart a racing, knowledge of such material is not really required byrepparttar 145392 end-user. People don't have to understand 'HTML' to enjoyrepparttar 145393 Internet.

Likewise, knowledge of RSS is not important torepparttar 145394 ordinary computer or Internet user. Microsoft's RSS Longhorn statement puts RSS where it rightfully belongs, inrepparttar 145395 background, invisible...seamlessly integrated into your computing and web browsing experience.

It will make RSS an integral element of its new operating system which hasrepparttar 145396 code-name Longhorn. It will firmly place RSS intorepparttar 145397 heart of your computing experience, enriching and enhancing it in more ways than even Microsoft is probably aware of yet!

RSS stands for 'Really Simple Syndication' and it has long been associated with blogs and blogging because they are written in RSS or XML format - code like HTML. DOS stands for 'Disk Operating System' byrepparttar 145398 way and itsrepparttar 145399 platform for operating systems on your computer. MS-DOS isrepparttar 145400 most widely used system. Ignorance can sometimes be overrated. Microsoft's announcement of its plans to place RSS features into its next Windows version - due out in 2006 and in servers by 2007 - is truly groundbreaking . You can read more about Microsoft's RSS plans here: Understanding RSS In The Next Windows.

This takes RSS out of just browsers and RSS readers (called aggregators); and gives it much more powerful applications. Most interesting is a new set of applications - Simple List Extensions - allowing web sites to publish feeds containing lists such as a wish list or top 10 list. Should make David Letterman happy!

All kidding aside, for you, these RSS applications will be very beneficial and rewarding. These applications will make browsing, searching and subscribing to your favorite information or sites a lot more easier. You can now take control of your Internet, viewing and accessingrepparttar 145401 information you want to digest.

It has many personal and business applications that will take 'keeping in touch' to a new level. Calendars, events, updates, personal photo albums...can all now be syndicated withrepparttar 145402 new RSS platform.

What's really important about Microsoft's plans, (I believe) isrepparttar 145403 fact that this now makes RSS legit. Lets face it, outside of blogging and a few alert online marketers, RSS is still not understood by most people.

But as stated before, people don't have to understand 'HTML' to enjoyrepparttar 145404 Internet. They don't really have to know about servers, DOS, or even ISPs to get full benefit fromrepparttar 145405 web. Likewise, RSS doesn't have to be known or even understood byrepparttar 145406 majority ofrepparttar 145407 people who will be using it.

But it's helpful that you do understand that for yourepparttar 145408 future of RSS holds many treats andrepparttar 145409 full impact won't really be known for years. Underrepparttar 145410 Creative Commons license, RSS applications could have a far reaching impact on your computing world ofrepparttar 145411 future.

The potential of RSS is enormous. It may even paverepparttar 145412 way for a 'Billion Channel Internet' - where each web site is its own little broadcasting system. An interactive channel that broadcasts audio and video feeds to all interested subscribers.

Microsoft's announcement may just berepparttar 145413 nucleus of such a system. Many components are already in place like podcasting, broadcatching, data feeds, etc. and it's not that great a leap or too fantastical to imagine such a system will exist in repparttar 145414 very near future.

For RSS changes HOW information is transmitted onrepparttar 145415 web...from a passive role to a more pro-active one. Don't come to us - we will deliver.

RSS is also one ofrepparttar 145416 more democratic elements ofrepparttar 145417 web whererepparttar 145418 little guy has a say. It was more than fitting that Microsoft's RSS team met with Dave Winer (Mr. RSS to those who keep a close watch on all things RSS) and asked his opinions on these recent developments.

Ordinary Bloggers have preachedrepparttar 145419 benefits of RSS for so long -repparttar 145420 mantra was becoming a tiresome echo acrossrepparttar 145421 web. No one seemed to be taking RSS seriously.

In that light, it can't be understated that Microsoft's incorporation of RSS into Windows is one of those true 'turning points' that has to be acknowledged. It does change how computers andrepparttar 145422 Internet will work.

This is a great step forward in making RSS an integrated and seamless component of computers andrepparttar 145423 Internet.

At last, someone has gotten RSS right.

Copyright © 2005 Titus Hoskins. This author's articles on RSS have appeared on such sites as: Sitepronews, Bonafidereviews, Addme, and Ezinearticles. To add RSS to your Site within minutes, download this simple RSS and Blogging Guide. This article may be freely distributed if this resource box stays attached.

Electronic Schematics Diagram-The Four Commonly Asked Questions

Written by Jestine Yong

Continued from page 1

c) If you work inrepparttar equipment's factory or their distributor you will haverepparttar 144914 schematic diagram forrepparttar 144915 model that they sell. Any under warranty unit that comes in you will be able to diagnose and repairrepparttar 144916 equipment fast. This will increaserepparttar 144917 company's reputation and customers will recommend to their friends aboutrepparttar 144918 quick service of that particular brand of equipment. You also can get schematic diagram inrepparttar 144919 form of a book from local electronic shops. This is usually a compilation of few brands and model of a specific electronic equipment. Tv or television schematics diagram are easily to get but computer monitor schematics and radio amplifier schematics is a little bit harder to find. If you haverepparttar 144920 budget get one ofrepparttar 144921 book. Third, as most of us already know that you can download free electronic schematics diagram fromrepparttar 144922 internet. Free tv schematics is easily found onrepparttar 144923 internet. You may also buy itrepparttar 144924 'CD' format. This investment will usually pay back inrepparttar 144925 shortest time.

d) As how to read schematic diagram, i'm unable to show you thru article because you do need a real schematic diagram in order to make you understand. Reading schematic is not that difficult, provided you have some basic electronic knowledge. I have a few suggestions: -Ask from a friend who is inrepparttar 144926 repair line -Take short courses on electronic repair and askrepparttar 144927 lecturer -Buy books from your local bookstore aboutrepparttar 144928 subject "how to read schematic diagram" -Buy schematic diagram and learn on your own (this will take sometimes but worth it) -Fix some project kit usingrepparttar 144929 electronic kit schematics given. This will add to your knowledge also.

Conclusion-In order to become a successful electronic repairer you must understand how to read schematic diagram.

Jestine Yong is a electronic repairer and a writer. For more electronic repair information please visit his website at

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