Micro- and Small-Cap Stocks: the Asset Classes in Hiding

Written by Debra Fiakas

Continued from page 1

Ms. Fiakas is a seasoned, credentialed investment professional with a diversified and successful track record as a research analyst and as an investment banker. She is a member the Association for Investment Management and Research (AIMR) and the New York Society of Security Analysts (NYSSA). Ms. Fiakas is also Managing Member of Crystal Equity Research, LLC.

The Wages of Science - Part I

Written by Sam Vaknin

Continued from page 1

The New Jersey Commission of Health Science Education and Training recently proposed to mergerepparttar state's three public research universities. Soaring federal and state budget deficits are likely to exert added pressure onrepparttar 112617 already strained relationship between academe and state - especially with regards to research priorities andrepparttar 112618 allocation of ever-scarcer resources.

This friction is inevitable becauserepparttar 112619 interaction between technology and science is complex and ill-understood. Some technological advances spawn new scientific fields -repparttar 112620 steel industry gave birth to metallurgy, computers to computer science andrepparttar 112621 transistor to solid state physics. The discoveries of science also lead, though usually circuitously, to technological breakthroughs - considerrepparttar 112622 examples of semiconductors and biotechnology.

Thus, it is safe to generalize and say thatrepparttar 112623 technology sector is onlyrepparttar 112624 more visible and alluring tip ofrepparttar 112625 drabber iceberg of research and development. The military, universities, institutes and industry all overrepparttar 112626 world plough hundreds of billions annually into both basic and applied studies. But governments arerepparttar 112627 most important sponsors of pure scientific pursuits by a long shot.

Science is widely perceived as a public good - its benefits are shared. Rational individuals would do well to sit back and copyrepparttar 112628 outcomes of research - rather than produce widely replicated discoveries themselves. The government has to step in to provide them with incentives to innovate.

Thus, inrepparttar 112629 minds of most laymen and many economists, science is associated exclusively with publicly-funded universities andrepparttar 112630 defense establishment. Inventions such asrepparttar 112631 jet aircraft andrepparttar 112632 Internet are often touted as examples ofrepparttar 112633 civilian benefits of publicly funded military research. The pharmaceutical, biomedical, information technology and space industries, for instance - though largely private - rely heavily onrepparttar 112634 fruits of nonrivalrous (i.e. public domain) science sponsored byrepparttar 112635 state.

The majority of 501 corporations surveyed byrepparttar 112636 Department of Finance and Revenue Canada in 1995-6 reported that government funding improved their internal cash flow - an important consideration inrepparttar 112637 decision to undertake research and development. Most beneficiaries claimedrepparttar 112638 tax incentives for seven years and recorded employment growth.

Sam Vaknin is the author of Malignant Self Love - Narcissism Revisited and After the Rain - How the West Lost the East. He is a columnist for Central Europe Review, PopMatters, and eBookWeb , a United Press International (UPI) Senior Business Correspondent, and the editor of mental health and Central East Europe categories in The Open Directory Bellaonline, and Suite101 .

Visit Sam's Web site at http://samvak.tripod.com

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