Men In High Places

Written by Nash

Continued from page 1

Never read off of cue cards; use them as guides to direct your speech, not direct it verbatim. Be as concise and clear as possible and limitrepparttar length of your speech as much as possible. Remember those long lectures you had to suffer through in college?

Likewise, try to involve your audience at least once during your speech so you keep them proactive in their listening, like by asking rhetorical questions, telling a joke you know is funny, or conducting a question and answer period after you speak.

5- Managing your time

What´s more important to you: Planting a tomato garden or playing with your son? Learn to prioritize.

Extraneous activities should always berepparttar 103214 lowest on your list of things to do. Also, to manage your time effectively, book time for meetings, project work, but also for play; you don´t want to become a workaholic.

Schedule reasonable lengths of time for activities, and if anything, allow more time than you think you require. Bring your agenda or PDA with you everywhere.

6- Firming your handshake

First, verify that your hand is adequately warm and not sweaty. Going torepparttar 103215 bathroom before predicted handshakes and washing your hands in warm water is a good way to keeprepparttar 103216 shake clean and comfortable.

To properly shake hands, extend your right hand after exchanging verbal greetings. Say, while looking inrepparttar 103217 other person´s eyes, "Hi, my name is (fill in name), nice to meet you." Firmly grasp their hand, making sure not to not crush or squeeze their digits together or holdrepparttar 103218 hand limp and noodle-like. Remember to keep a faint and professional smile. Do not overdo or overly curb your enthusiasm.

7- Making a toast

All great men know how to start off a party with a lively toast. To make a positive impression when you toast, you should know what you are going to say about whom and why, and practice ahead of time. For example, plan a few jokes and embarrassing anecdotes to toast to your best bud´s tragic loss of bachelorhood.

Before commencing, check that all parties have a filled glass in front of them. Stand and facerepparttar 103219 person whom you are toasting orrepparttar 103220 crowd if you are making a general statement like, "To life, love andrepparttar 103221 pursuit of infinite fortune." Then, raise your glass up to nose level, with your arm gently extended in front of you. Speak your toast enthusiastically and make eye contact withrepparttar 103222 crowd or intended recipient. Wave your glass to all, and tip or clink with people who are close enough. Take a hearty sip and sit back down.

Exiting bad situations with class and maintaining that mystique that everyone loves so much...

8- Getting out of difficult situations

Sticky situations rarely getrepparttar 103223 best of a professional man. An angry employee or a trying ex-wife can put a wrinkle in anyone´s plans. However, having an easy way out of difficult situations isrepparttar 103224 best way to master them in advance.

Keep your wits under pressure. If someone upsets you, do not resort to verbal abuse, and certainly not physical assault. Calmly state your position and views without succumbing to or employing manipulative pressure tactics.

Likewise, refuse to speak with an irate, belligerent, or out of control person. Simply stop talking, excuse yourself and walk out ofrepparttar 103225 room, or redirectrepparttar 103226 person´s attention to another issue. For instance, tell a joke to alleviaterepparttar 103227 tension ofrepparttar 103228 ..Readrepparttar 103229 complete article at underrepparttar 103230 article section.

Nash is a business consultant

Translation Services: Use a translator, a Translation Agency or Do it In-house?

Written by Christian Erwig-Straughan

Continued from page 1

Your Needs Do you regularly require professional translation services into one language or do you need a one-time translation of one or more documents into several languages? If you regularly need translation services into only one or two languages (20,000 words or more per month), it may be worthwhile to hire your own professional translator to work in your company full-time. If, onrepparttar other hand, you occasionally need translations into many languages, or if you have very large translation jobs to be completed in a short time, using a translation agency will take care of allrepparttar 103213 necessary logistics. The agency will findrepparttar 103214 appropriate translator for each language, or possible more than one translator ifrepparttar 103215 deadline is tight, assignrepparttar 103216 proofreading tasks, and ensure that everything is completed on time andrepparttar 103217 service quality is top-notch.

Cost The cheapest option to get your translation services done is seemingly doing it yourself or having an employee of your company do it. However, there are hidden costs, such asrepparttar 103218 time spent and possibly inferior quality, that you should consider. A poor translation can cost you more in business than you would ever have spent on havingrepparttar 103219 work done right. Another option, which is also quite cost-effective, is hiring a freelance translator yourself and skippingrepparttar 103220 middleman, i.e.repparttar 103221 translation agency. If you decide to go this route, make sure that you haverepparttar 103222 knowledge and experience to pick a qualified translator and to judgerepparttar 103223 quality ofrepparttar 103224 translation. The last option is givingrepparttar 103225 job to a professional translation agency, which will take care of everything related torepparttar 103226 required translation services. This isrepparttar 103227 most recommended option for most companies. It ensures that you getrepparttar 103228 best possible quality, which isrepparttar 103229 most important factor when deciding which way to go. Remember: You may pay a little more for this service upfront, but you will keep paying for a poor translation for as long as you use, publish, or distribute it. The cost in lost business due to poor quality translations dwarfsrepparttar 103230 money spent on a good translation. When using a translation agency, you also won’t need to worry about payingrepparttar 103231 translator internationally, as it is always a good idea to choose a translator inrepparttar 103232 target country.

The decision is yours. You have several viable options, depending on your resources, needs, and cost. Always keep in mind though thatrepparttar 103233 most important factor when choosing any professional translation service provider is quality.

© Christian Erwig-Straughan

Christian Erwig-Straughan is a German<>English translator with 9 years experience and the author and webmaster of the Translation Services Info Guide,

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