Meaningful Diversity: Creating Cultures of Inclusion

Written by Susan J. Schutz

Continued from page 1

BEGIN BY FOCUSING ON COMMONALITIES. Stabilize your current environment by ensuring that everyone feels valued and is united in a shared purpose – when this is compelling enough, differences are transcended. Take this further by helping your staff see each other as human beings, rather than simply human “doings.” Create opportunities for people to talk and socialize together beyond their work duties, around issues that apply to a broad range of people. Topics like parenting, providing care for an aging parent, coping with illness and death, and financial management help people to realize that we’re all in this thing called life together.

WORK WITH YOUR GROUP TO DEVELOP YOUR OWN “BUSINESS CASE.” Saying that a culture of inclusion is simply a good thing to do or promising it will produce immediate business success will setrepparttar initiative up for failure. Change requires energy, and generic statements won’t provide you with enough fuel for your journey. Create discussion forums. After talking about what you believe is possible, invite people to talk about their ideas, values, concerns and fears. Ask thought-provoking questions, such as: what might be possible if we didn’t put limits on people based on our own needs, perspectives, fears, and comfort zones? What do we need so everybody can thrive here?

RE-EVALUATE EXISTING SYSTEMS AND BUILD NEW ONES. Once your staff understandsrepparttar 119446 potential benefits to creating a culture of inclusion -- increased staff morale and more innovation powered by diverse perspectives to name but two -- you’re ready to enterrepparttar 119447 fire. Use this as an opportunity to review processes in your organization, like hiring practices, sourcing your goods and materials, marketing, meeting management, mentoring, and compensation. Leave no stone unturned. Just because that system, language, or set of decisions used to serverepparttar 119448 organization well doesn’t mean it continues to do so. Then, figure out what new efforts are needed to get you where you want to go.

Our work world hasrepparttar 119449 capacity to closerepparttar 119450 gulfs that separate people – and demonstraterepparttar 119451 great value of doing so. Creating an inclusive culture requires first opening our own hearts and then extending invitations to others to do repparttar 119452 same. What we can count on is that our minds will follow. By showing up as willing students and teachers for each other, our wisdom and productivity increase exponentially. As business leaders, we must continue to consciously enterrepparttar 119453 “fire.” The rest ofrepparttar 119454 world is counting on us.

Learn more on this and other key management topics by visiting!

Susan J. Schutz founded Highest Vision in 1999. Highest Vision services – executive coaching, leadership development, and team building -- reflect her conviction that professionals can be attentive to their “bottom lines” while also creating lives worth living and businesses that contribute to the good of all. For a free subscription to VantagePoint, Highest Vision’s free E-zine, go to

Medical Collection. How Organized is your office?

Written by Mike Nielsen

Continued from page 1

Another suggestion I have is that you use specialized computer software to keep your medical collection intact. There are several software options out there that you can use many will be able to suit your needs. I will be talking about medical collection software from AdvancedMD.

AdvancedMD provides a complete software solution for your medical office. It is available online and is automatically backed up. You can access your medical information from virtually anywhere. With their medical collection software you can:

• Automate worklists, right inrepparttar system • Collect more dollars with less work • Create easy follow-up tasks and reminders • Create productivity reports to help managers supervise and train staff

When a collector signs in to AdvancedMD's collection software, they can see immediately what patients have been assigned to them, which ones should be contacted first and allows them to contactrepparttar 119444 patient by phone or by automated letters. All actions are then recorded inrepparttar 119445 "actions" tab with recommended follow-up dates.

There are also many other software solutions out there that can help you with your medical collection and office management. I have provided a few suggestions on how to make your office more organized and more efficient. I know, inrepparttar 119446 world of business, that companies that are organized run more efficiently and more smoothly, which leads to higher revenues and more satisfied customers. To you,repparttar 119447 reader, I say, if you work in a medical office or know someone who works in a medical office, I invite you to take advantage and share this information so that we all may benefit with either a more organized, profit maximizing office, or a shorter wait inrepparttar 119448 doctor's office next time we go in for our appointment.

Mike Nielsen is a client account specialist with 10xmarketing - More Visitors. More Buyers. More Revenue. For more information about medical collection, visit

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