Maybe You Are a Victim

Written by Janet L. Hall

Continued from page 1

Don't let your tapes eat away at you silently - deal with it today and stop hiding behind your stuff. Allow yourself to go forward with your life and become clutter free.

Dr. Phil toldrepparttar volunteers of The Challenge that they needed some new tapes to start running, and that if they couldn't do it alone to please get some help! He also told them they can't change what happened but they can change what will happen. You choose!

Isn't time to stop feeling or actingrepparttar 131138 victim because of what might have happened to you in your past? As long as you live inrepparttar 131139 past and have an "oh poor me" attitude you will NEVER be able to move forward. You are in CONTROL of your life NOW! You get to decide and take responsibility for your actions. Notrepparttar 131140 people that might have done you an injustice. Notrepparttar 131141 people that couldn't give you what you wanted or needed. Notrepparttar 131142 people that might have given you too much or too little. Notrepparttar 131143 people that have hurt you in some way. If you feel you are lacking something in your life then just visit any shelter, without judgement, and just see what lack really is. What do you have that you can give to others?

Release, unwind, and let go ofrepparttar 131144 tapes that tell you you are not worthy, you have to keep every gift, you must hold on to items that are still useful, that you must keep just in case, or that you must buy, buy, buy.

You need to: =>Address your clutter problems to findrepparttar 131145 solutions. =>Stop believing what you've been telling yourself; "one day I'll get organized," or "I'll keep this just in case," or "It's too good to throw away," or "My best friend gave this to me." =>Declare this a new day with new thoughts.

You NEED to get some new tapes in your head!

Today I'll start to get organized. Today I'll start to sort throughrepparttar 131146 clutter. Today I will DECIDE for myself what I should keep. Today I'll look at my stuff differently, through my eyes. Today I'm willing to let go of items that no longer serve me, make me unhappy, have bad memories, or are no longer wanted.

Once you start releasing (giving)repparttar 131147 things that might be causing your pain, anxiety, or sorrow then get ready to start receiving (getting)repparttar 131148 things you really need, want, or have been dreaming or wishing for.

The Universe is very powerful and will quickly replacerepparttar 131149 things in your life that you've let go of freely with those of your true needs or desires.

Victim of something - probably. Freedom to change and make choices - ABSOLUTELY!

"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself." --Harvey Fierstein

For additional help: The Organizing and Feng Shui Wizard, Janet L. Hall, FSII has a FREE newsletter, OverHall IT! at and many organizational products for your office, home, and computer at Janet is a Professional Organizer, Certified Feng Shui Practitioner, Speaker, and Author and can help you regain control of your life, your time, your stuff, and your environment.

Copyright (c) 2002 by OverHall Consulting P.O. Box 263, Port Republic, MD 20676 All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to reproduce, copy, or distribute this article so long as article is kept intact, this copyright notice, and full information aboutrepparttar 131150 author is attached.

For additional help: The Organizing and Feng Shui Wizard, Janet L. Hall, FSII has a FREE newsletter, OverHall IT! at and many organizational products for your office, home, and computer at Janet is a Professional Organizer, Certified Feng Shui Practitioner, Speaker, and Author and can help you regain control of your life, your time, your stuff, and your environment.

Sober From Clutter-Part 1

Written by Janet L. Hall

Continued from page 1

What physical attributes do you love about yourself? I loverepparttar natural white streaks that are starting to flow through and shine in my hair.

What emotional attributes do you love about yourself? I love that a book or a movie can be so moving, a child can be so loving and innocent, or a spectacular scene can be so breath taking that I'm moved to tears or laughter.

What spiritual attributes do you love about yourself? I love that I can ASK and I KNOW I will receive.

What creative attributes do you love about yourself? I love that I can turn a plot of ground into a beautiful garden of flowers or vegetables.

If there is something you don't like about yourself - step up and start doing something about it. Stop looking at yourself or thinking of your "bad" attributes. Focus on your "good". Stop dwelling onrepparttar 131136 negative and only allowrepparttar 131137 positive in and out. What we focus on multiplies: good or bad, negative or positive.

To quote Alan Cohen, "But because we are spiritual beings, it isrepparttar 131138 inside world that determines our happiness. The most powerful way to improve your circumstances is by upgrading your consciousness. If you try to change your situation without changing your mind, sooner or later you will revert to your former position."

If there's something about you that CANNOT be changed, accept and love yourself for who you are.

I love me for me, and you need to love yourself, and give yourself positive attention before anyone else will or can. Love yourself unconditional.

I'm a firm believer that if you want someone to love you, you have to love yourself FIRST!

2. Do you give yourself positive attention, and put yourself first?

Forrepparttar 131139 next 31 days put yourself first; take time out for yourself. Give yourselfrepparttar 131140 positive attention you deserve. Meditate or pray. Take a walk onrepparttar 131141 beach, aroundrepparttar 131142 neighborhood, through your yard. Go fishing, to a game, or an event. Have a soak, or lie inrepparttar 131143 grass. Curl up with a good book or watch your favorite movie. Get a new hair style, a manicure, pedicure, or massage (yes, men can do this too!)

3. Are you getting in your own way and blockingrepparttar 131144 flow of love, intimacy, and attention by surrounding yourself with useless or unneeded stuff?

4. Are you "spinning your wheels" looking for stuff all day, moving stuff from one room or pile torepparttar 131145 next; too tired inrepparttar 131146 evening or weekends to have a relationship?

Love yourself, and your surroundings, and rehabilitate yourself from your clutter.

Your possessions don't love you - they posses you!

Your possessions and stuff will not end your emotional lacking. Possessions, clutter, and all your "stuff" are just a temporary substitute to fill a void, calm you, or satisfy a desire or need, and most likely causing you MORE pain, chaos, and problems.

5. Hasrepparttar 131147 romance frizzled, gone dry, or disappeared from your life?

Make a list of allrepparttar 131148 things that have changed in your love area. What's missing or lacking? What can you do to change this and how?

If you have a partner, please talk to them; maybe they are missing you too.

Find out what you need to do to get romance back into your lives. Make your list together.

Can you have a "standing" weekly or monthly date?

If you need a sitter, can you schedule in advance?

Will a romantic dinner, interlude, or just a walk, hand-in hand, satisfy what's missing?

Do you need a weekend or a week away, alone, together with no interruptions?

Do you just need an unexpected hug, a kiss, a wink, or an adult conversation?

Only you and your partner can discover, together, what is missing and how to bring back into your life what you need.

Whether you are single, dating, or whatever your situation, you need to discover by looking inside yourself what it is you need, what are you looking for, what will feed your Spirit and Soul.

Ask and ye shall receive, believe this, it will come to you.

Forrepparttar 131149 next 31 days, get "sober" from your clutter EVERYDAY by tossing or giving awayrepparttar 131150 stuff that is causing your clutter, and your pain. Remember that you are trying to replace your old habits and "addictions" with new and supportive ones. As likerepparttar 131151 addict, who replaces getting high or going bar hopping, they attend AA meetings, and discover new ways to spend their time, so must you find out what you need to do and get to get sober from your clutter.

Arnold Patent said "If you ever feel that you should do something, lie down untilrepparttar 131152 feeling passes." Let's put a twist on this by saying, If you ever feel that you need to bring ANYMORE stuff into your life, lie down untilrepparttar 131153 feeling passes.

For additional help: The Organizing and Feng Shui Wizard, Janet L. Hall, FSII has a FREE newsletter, OverHall IT! at and many organizational products for your office, home, and computer at Janet is a Professional Organizer, Certified Feng Shui Practitioner, Speaker, and Author and can help you regain control of your life, your time, your stuff, and your environment.

Copyright Ó 2001 by OverHall Consulting P.O. Box 263, Port Republic, MD 20676 All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to reproduce, copy, or distribute so long as article is kept intact, this copyright notice and full information about contactingrepparttar 131154 author is attached.

For additional help: The Organizing and Feng Shui Wizard, Janet L. Hall, FSII has a FREE newsletter, OverHall IT! at and many organizational products for your office, home, and computer at Janet is a Professional Organizer, Certified Feng Shui Practitioner, Speaker, and Author and can help you regain control of your life, your time, your stuff, and your environment.

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