Maximum Muscle Development with Chaos Training

Written by Brian D. Johnston

Continued from page 1


3 repetitions (5/5 cadence) 30 second rest 3 repetitions (5/5 cadence) 30 second rest 1 repetition at a slow 10/5 cadence followed by... 8 top partials + 1 forced


3 repetitions (5/5 cadence) 40 second rest 4 repetitions (3/4 cadence) 0 second rest 4 negatives, followed by 10-second static hold at bottom


3 repetitions (5/5 cadence) 60 second rest 8 repetitions (3/3 cadence) 0 second rest 2 forced, followed by 1 set of pec decks x 5 reps

At first glance there appears to be no resemblance amongrepparttar three examples, with each consisting of various loads, reducing or maintainingrepparttar 137978 same weight and tension times, allowing for different levels of recovery and metabolic demands, etc., in order to accommodaterepparttar 137979 various prescriptions.

Obviously a thirty-second rest is much different from a 40- or 60-second rest, or if a trainee implements near-zero rest. The magnitude of necessary weight reduction to complete a further 3 repetitions in a similar style, for example, will be much greater with a few seconds rest only than if preceded by a recovery break of 60 seconds. Repetition cadence can also have a bearing on performance and demands; a slower cadence makes it more challenging to complete a particular number of repetitions (consider lifting 100 pounds in one second as opposed to five or ten seconds). The altered mental and physical energy reserved forrepparttar 137980 remainder ofrepparttar 137981 workout afterrepparttar 137982 first set,repparttar 137983 second set, and so on, must be considered.

However, close examination discloses that each example initially consists of 3 repetitions, all performed in an identical manner of 5 seconds up and 5 seconds down (for 30 seconds total); and that isrepparttar 137984 benchmark – a biomarker buried within a realm of chaos. An increase inrepparttar 137985 load underrepparttar 137986 same conditions would conclude an improvement in lifting ability or function. Thereafter,repparttar 137987 trainee is free to be inventive and spontaneous forrepparttar 137988 remainder ofrepparttar 137989 workout for that muscle group. This is but one example of how a person can apply Chaos Training‘, limited by one’s imagination.

Brian D. Johnston is the Director of Education and President of the I.A.R.T. fitness certification and education institute. He has written over 12 books and is a contributor author to the Merck Medical Manual. An international lecturer, Mr. Johnston wears many hats in the fitness and health industries, and can be reached at Visit his site at for more free articles and offers.

Home Gym Workout Routines

Written by Gary Gresham

Continued from page 1
You should always consult your physician before beginning any workout regimen, because they can help you tailor your routine to your health needs and abilities. Begin with moderate walking twenty minutes a day and this can go a long way to decrease your stress load, increase your energy level and tone your muscles. The great thing about a treadmill workout routine is you can do it year round in any weather condition. A treadmill walking program can be done as you readrepparttar newspaper or make evening calls or it can be a time of complete peace and isolation. Adding small hand weights can afford upper body toning even as you walk. Your body deserves your attention, and your schedule need not stand inrepparttar 137867 way. Try a home gym workout routine today to shake awayrepparttar 137868 cob webs from your body and you'll start seeing amazing results. Copyright © 2005 Treadmill All Rights Reserved

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