Maximizing Sales through the Ultimate Tracking Software

Written by Anthony Licate

Continued from page 1

Buy-In: In order to understand howrepparttar system will function, it’s critical to put together a company “task force”. This group should consist ofrepparttar 138009 employee’s that will be usingrepparttar 138010 CRM on a daily basis in order to put together a list of requirements. Make them feel apart ofrepparttar 138011 process so they will welcomerepparttar 138012 change oncerepparttar 138013 CRM is put into place and be excited to use it.

Training: Proper training on effectively usingrepparttar 138014 CRM is crucial to your success.

Consistency: Honoring and respectingrepparttar 138015 CRM is key. The more information you put intorepparttar 138016 CRM,repparttar 138017 better your reporting will be.

Accountability Enforce policy by makingrepparttar 138018 users accountable for quantitative results they produce. Let them know that performance will be measured byrepparttar 138019 informational reports that come out ofrepparttar 138020 CRM, such as whether people are hitting quotas, setting realistic projections, or addressing customer support issues in a timely manner.

Achieve break through performance torepparttar 138021 common barriers of cross-communication in your organization. Cost effectively measure and controlrepparttar 138022 most important asset every business owner must understand: your customers. After all, if you are not effectively measuring weak areas, you will not haverepparttar 138023 critical information you need to improve and control.

Anthony Licate is the President of Spidernet Technical Consulting, LLC, a computer consulting company located outside Philadelphia, PA ( If you have further questions regarding whether a CRM is right for your company, feel free to email him at: or call: 215.508.1036.

The Brand Called You

Written by Harry Hoover

Continued from page 1

Generate media coverage about your brand All that professional and community involvement will certainly lead to opportunities to leverage that involvement into news aboutrepparttar brand called you. And, of course, there will be promotions, new assignments, and awards at work, too. More opportunities to make headlines.

Your achievements are of interest to local print, broadcast, and online media, particularlyrepparttar 137987 business pages. In Charlotte,repparttar 137988 Observer has a weekly feature called On The Move spotlighting someone in a new position. The Charlotte Business Journal has a similar feature called Moving Up. If it is a big enough move and your company won’t do it, payrepparttar 137989 estimated $150 to place it on BusinessWire or PR Newswire. Consider it an investment in your future. Don’t forget trade publications serving your industry and alumni publications.

Seek out speaking engagements and write guest articles, too. This is yet another way to publicize your brand. And don’t forget to do news releases when you make a speech or write an article. It’s all about merchandising.

To stay top of mind, you might even want to develop your own monthly e-newsletter like Think,repparttar 137990 Hoover ink publication. Keep it mostly informational and limitrepparttar 137991 commercial material.

Stay in touch, or renew old ties with friends, family and business associates Everyone you know can be a brand ambassador for you, so stay in touch or reach out to those you haven’t talked with for a while.

Yet another reason for having a monthly newsletter that shares your expertise.

The network of contacts you have built over your lifetime will be instrumental if you decide to start your own business, or change jobs.

So, heed this word of advice: always deal fairly with people. One bad experience with your brand can negate 10 positive ones.

Now, get out there and start branding.

Harry Hoover is managing principal of Hoover ink PR, He has 26 years of experience in crafting and delivering bottom line messages that ensure success for serious businesses like Brent Dees Financial Planning, Duke Energy, Levolor, New World Mortgage, North Carolina Tourism, VELUX and Verbatim.

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