Massage Your Mind!: Tackling Your Angus Issues

Written by Maya Talisman Frost

Continued from page 1

Descartes came up with a famously succinct statement in response to this timeless question: “I think, therefore I am.” (In Latin, Cogito ergo sum) If I am here contemplating this question, it means I am alive and thinking. If I am alive and thinking, then it follows that I must indeed be here. Whew! Glad that’s settled.

Of course, it isn’t really settled. You could spend a long time thinking about that, and I invite you to do so. For now, let's go back to Socrates.

Picture this odd-looking guy wandering around Athens in a shabby cloak and barefoot. In all places, at all times, in everything he does, he is grabbing every opportunity in his daily life to ask questions.

He doesn’t ask easy questions. He asks hard ones, probing ones, ones that maybe even piss you off. As he used to say about himself, “I am utterly disturbing and I create only perplexity.” Hmm. I think we all know people like that. The thing is, we rarely think of them as philosophers. Perhaps we SHOULD.

Socrates’ purpose was to question his peers so that they would question themselves, their ideas, their choices, their very way of life. He liked to stir things up, but his intentions were pure. He looked upon himself as a midwife, helping people give birth to their own truths, their inner possibilities. And, like childbirth, that process could be messy and painful. He could put people in a foul mood. He understood implicitly thatrepparttar value of asking questions is not in finding answers, but in revealing ourselves.

We can learn a lot about ourselves and our own life philosophies by asking ourselves this: What are my Angus issues? What thoughts have I attached myself to? When did I last spend time rethinking these issues?

Let’s userepparttar 130692 ol’ Cartesian method here, starting with simple ideas and moving toward more complex ones.

Start small. Look at an opinion you have, like “I hate country music.” Hmm. Okay. Is that ALL country music? Is that ALL country singers? Is there not a single country song or artist that I like? What would it be like if I didn’t have that opinion? What would it be like if I hadrepparttar 130693 OPPOSITE opinion? Would my friends laugh at me? Would I have to hide my CD collection? Would I start wearing cowboy boots? What really bothers me about country music? Why do I get so riled up, anyway?

Examinerepparttar 130694 differences between ideas and habits. Perhaps you are more attached to one thanrepparttar 130695 other. Inrepparttar 130696 country music example, how much of your opinion is based on your idea (“I hate it, so I never listen to it.”) and how much on your habit (“I never listen to it, so that means I hate it.”)?

After you’ve tackled some little Angus issues, move on to bigger ones. Let’s say you don’t believe in life after death. You think that once you die, it’s all over. No spirit, no heaven, no soul, no nothing. On what have you based this notion? When isrepparttar 130697 last time you revisited this idea? What would it be like if you didn’t have that belief? What would it be like if you strongly embracedrepparttar 130698 OPPOSITE concept?

Your goal: to become aware ofrepparttar 130699 thoughts shaping your daily life, and to begin questioning them. It might be disturbing. It might be invigorating. I hope it’ll get you thinking.

We need more thinkers on this planet!

Maya Talisman Frost is a mind masseuse. As a teacher, facilitator and mediator, she has helped others engage their formidable frontal lobes since 1983. Her popular course, "Massage Your Mind!: Defining Your Life Philosophy", has inspired thinkers in over 60 countries around the world. Her free weekly e-zine, the Friday Mind Massage, is designed to ease you into a thoughtful weekend. To subscribe, visit today. Thanks for thinking!

Circles In The Water

Written by Doug Harvey

Continued from page 1

People do not always want help. They do not always want to feel ofrepparttar impact you may provide, no matter how good or well intended it might be. The trouble is that once you have launched yourself in this way, you cannot retract it. Like it or not an impact will occur, all that you can do is attempt to lessen it. So how do you go about lesseningrepparttar 130690 impact you are making on someone's life? There you are, already launched. How are you going to restrainrepparttar 130691 impact?

I recall watching a film a while ago, in which some overeager person hit a missile launch button. The missile was enroute to target when it was realized that it was a mistake! What'srepparttar 130692 more,repparttar 130693 self-destruct button failed to initialiserepparttar 130694 onboard sequence. They had two choices left open to them - evacuate or use another missile to destroyrepparttar 130695 first that was launched manually from an aircraft.

So what are your options if your "missile" has been launched and you want to avoidrepparttar 130696 impact or at least lessen it? They are as follows:

1.Send an auto-destruct sequence - can you say or do something that will stoprepparttar 130697 "missile" in its tracks and thus prevent any impact?

2.Manually destroyrepparttar 130698 "missile" -Can you say or do anything that will cause any previous situation to be totally dissipated or deflected out of harms way?

3.Lessonrepparttar 130699 impact - What can you say or do that although will not preventrepparttar 130700 impact, so that it will causerepparttar 130701 least amount of damage possible?

4.Evacuaterepparttar 130702 area of impact - Can you moverepparttar 130703 target so that although they are aware and damage may be done, lives are salvaged?

Personal impact is not all bad though. Notice howrepparttar 130704 ripple of impact in fluid (and even in some examples of solid impact), does not changerepparttar 130705 matter itself but simplyrepparttar 130706 formrepparttar 130707 matter takes andrepparttar 130708 direction it takes. Ripples in liquid, form circular ridges flowing outward, in line withrepparttar 130709 strength of impact. In people's lives, we often cause ripples that do not changerepparttar 130710 character themselves necessarily, but do affect their direction and strength. An important factor to understand here is that such affects may be for good or bad. We all need to offload our cares and trials from time to time, and when we do this, it makes us feel good. We feel so much lighter for doing so. Our problem or concerns may not be solved, but somehow we just feel better for doing so. It is good to have friends who can share our burdens. It is important though to remember that our friends too will have their own concerns. What's more your problems will be a concern to them simply because they are your friends! Oh dear! Does this mean that we should not really be burdening our friends with issues in our lives? No not all. What it means is that we all need buffer zones. We, if you like, make ourselves targets for points of impact for each other.

Impact uponrepparttar 130711 lives of others exists as natural fact. How we deal withrepparttar 130712 impacts when they occur is softened byrepparttar 130713 simple task of listening to each other. Beingrepparttar 130714 listening ear - providingrepparttar 130715 shoulder can sometimes be all that is required. You may not be a "professional" in dealing withrepparttar 130716 problems of others, but one thing you can be - one thing that really lessensrepparttar 130717 impact of less thinking people upon people you know - you can be their friend - their true friend. Your impact then really does change people's lives. It changes them forrepparttar 130718 better. Go and be a friend, play a part in their "circles of destiny".

As a Professional Life Coach, Doug changes peoples lives by helping them discover self-worth and clearing away the fog of life that sometimes restricts their view. Doug particularly helps those who have reached a stage of uncertainty in their lives and need to take control. To download two FREE chapters from his latest ebook, "Take Control Of Your Life", click here :-> Email:

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