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5.Keep yourself focused and on track. During your “work time”, don’t look up other sites that look interesting to you. Write down
name of
site and visit it later. If you’re not careful, you’ll spend all day checking out someone else’s sites instead of getting traffic to your own.
6.Be willing to learn and try new things. As creatures of habit, we tend to keep doing
same things over and over again, even if they aren’t working. If your marketing techniques aren’t getting results then it’s time to re-think and try something new. Keep tweaking your efforts until you find
formula that works for you.
7.Don’t get discouraged. There will be days when you feel like you’ve done nothing but work, work, work and still you haven’t made a sale. So, you start slacking off and stop writing and submitting articles, stop submitting your classified ads, stop all
marketing you were once so active in doing. Even though it may seem useless at
time, all of your efforts WILL pay off eventually, so NO SLACKING!
8.Don’t expect too much too soon. Give yourself at least a year of honest promoting and marketing before you even think about giving up.
9.Make sure that
e-mail list you build is opt-in only and be very careful about purchasing “leads”. No one likes to receive unsolicited e-mails and you don’t want your name or
name of your company associated with such practices.
10.When you’re ready to call it a day, take a look at what you’ve done and what needs to be done. Make a “To Do” list for
next day in order of priority. Check each item off as you get it done and if you have
time try to do a little more each day. Before you know it, all your hard work will pay off…just be consistent and REFUSE TO FAIL!
J E Sheward publishes "Blue Sky Profit Home Busniess Tips", an informative newsletter designed to help people like YOU earn a living from home. Subscribe for free today at