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Questions Are The Answer!
Sounds like a paradox doesn’t it? In order to help your customer you first find out what they need. Or THINK they need. Carrie Fisher,
actress who played Princess Leah in Star Wars said “Instant gratification doesn’t come fast enough. “ Now for a girl with cinnamon buns attached to
side of her head this is a pretty profound statement.
Your customers are demanding instant gratification. They want their needs met. In most cases, it just isn’t happening. The first thing out of your mouth should be "May I ask you a few questions?"
Remember W5?
Who, What, When, Where, Why and How are
foundation of selling. Customers buy when they feel an emotion NOT when they’ve had information dumped on them. How do you do this? By asking questions! Our customers become engaged when they feel curiosity….NOT boredom.
Our customer contact should be handled with this premise – Create Curiosity With Questions. Would
Academy Want You?
Create your own Academy award winning sales success by talking less and listening more. As Collin says,
best agents ask a multitude of relevant questions. Then they listen to
answers and make it happen. Are you acting like a star with your clients or are you being an agent? Your success lies in
Copyright© 2005
Sales Diva, Kim Duke of The Sales Divas helps women biz owners and entrepreneurs attract amazing clients and customers, effortlessly! To learn more about increasing YOUR sales - and to read her FREE how-to-articles, visit her website