Mark Twain and his Views on Smoking Cigarettes

Written by Alina

Continued from page 1
taking a glass of wine at dinner, etc., etc., etc. . . . You never see but one side ofrepparttar question. You are blind torepparttar 103697 fact that most old men in America smoke and drink coffee, although, according to your theory, they ought to have died young; and that hearty old Englishmen drink wine and survive it, and portly old Dutchmen both drink and smoke freely, and yet grow older and fatter allrepparttar 103698 time. And you never try to find out how much solid comfort, relaxation and enjoyment a man derives from smoking inrepparttar 103699 course of a lifetime, (and which is worth ten timesrepparttar 103700 money he would save by letting it alone,) norrepparttar 103701 appalling aggregate of happiness lost in a lifetime by your kind of people from NOT smoking."

Mark Twain, San Francisco, 1865


Mark Twain and his Views on Smoking Cigarettes

Are your Guilty of Driving your Business without a Roadmap?

Written by Megan Tough

Continued from page 1

Developing a vision for your business createsrepparttar context in which all other decisions are made. The vision statement should stretch expectations, aspirations, and performance. It needs to be powerful enough to excite and motivate both you and your employees. Without that powerful, attractive, valuable vision, why bother?

So now that we’ve agreed that having a vision is a business imperative, how do we create one?

Vision statements can take many forms. Their main purpose is to articulaterepparttar 103696 “dream” state of your business. If your business could be everything you dreamed, how would it be?

Start by writing your answers to these questions:

When I move on from this business, what do I want to leave behind? What am I really providing for my customers beyond products and services? If my business could be everything I dreamed, how would it be? What will success look like? What will this business look like when I’ve finished doing everything I want?

Then begin to fashion your answers into one or two statements that encapsulate your intentions. And to give you some inspiration, here are some real life vision and purpose statements from well known global organizations: seeks to berepparttar 103697 world's most customer-centric company, a place where people can find and discover anything they might want to buy online Microsoft: To enable people and businesses throughoutrepparttar 103698 world to realize their full potential. Cadbury Schweppes:working together to create brands people love World Vision:a world that no longer tolerates poverty.

Your business may not be global or large like these examples. Nevertheless it can still benefit fromrepparttar 103699 clarity and purpose a vision provides. So dream big. And make your professional life truly rewarding and satisfying.

Megan Tough, director of Action Plus, works with small business professionals who are ready to do more than ‘just get by’. Increase your income - decrease your stress! To learn more and to sign up for more FREE tips and articles like these, visit

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