
Written by Joey Lewitin

Continued from page 1

History The ancient Greeks and Romans both used marble expansively. The Greeks built many of their famous architectural masterpieces using Pentelic marble. They carved many ofrepparttar most famous statues in history from other Greek marbles. Whenrepparttar 127631 Roman Empire rose it conqueredrepparttar 127632 Greek quarries, as well as many others quarries in various countries and used marble in many of their architectural and artistic endeavors as well. Marble is often associated withrepparttar 127633 Hellenic and Classical time period for these reasons.

Today Today marble is used in stone home furnishings, floors, counters, clocks, hot plates, tables, pillars, structural resurfacing, even bathroom applications. It can be found in almost every country inrepparttar 127634 world. Its style and versatility make it one ofrepparttar 127635 ideal choices for building materials and structural supply.

Joey Lewitin is an author, a designer, and an artist. Check his website to see some of his creations such as a variety of Decorative unique wall clocks and rustic stone furnishings, and gifts


Written by Joey Lewitin

Continued from page 1

Caring For

Caring for limestone is easy. It is generally best in a low traffic indoor setting. Certain stone treatments can be used to sealrepparttar stone, and if you are interested in these you should ask a local stone professional for their advice onrepparttar 127630 right sealer to use on your stone.


Limestone is used in counters, floors, paving, surface re-facing, and recently it has been incorporated into stone home furnishing items such as coasters, tables, and chess boards. Limestone is used to produce lime, to help extract iron, and in many concretes. It is a stone with a wide number of uses.

Joey Lewitin is an author, a designer, and an artist. Check his website to see some of his creations such as a variety of Decorative wall clocks and stone decor gifts and furnishings

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