Maps of Time and Tide.

Written by Seamus Dolly

Continued from page 1

Whilerepparttar area of maps may have been considered to be boring to highly-strung teenagers, it is rapidly becoming a highly scientific and technically laden career.

There are still some sea floors that remain elusive or unexplored, mainly because they weren’t of particular concern. They are so remote from a human perspective, that they warrant little examination. For now anyway, they don’t interfere with sea or air navigation. If geologists can someway discover feasible mineral, oil or gas reserves, then commerce and necessity, perhaps, will induce a change in exploration priority.

To people that plan for contingency, local maps provide some clues to flooding susceptibilities that short term memories have forgotten. With global warming, this type of thing should be a consideration if you are planning your final or long-term home. In recent months within my area alone,repparttar 110097 language of insurance companies suggests that they may decline their services, such isrepparttar 110098 climate change however subtle from a year to year basis, in combination with construction planning.

New construction projects have taken areas that historically, were flood plains, so where canrepparttar 110099 inevitable rains and their agreement with gravity, go? Withinrepparttar 110100 home, isrepparttar 110101 answer.

To people that plan for contingency, somewhat extremely, those very same maps will offer guidance. Some dramatic predictions suggest that “a lump” of a particular volcanic island which is globally renowned for its’ tourism, may slip intorepparttar 110102 sea. The same prediction suggests that it is being undermined byrepparttar 110103 sea, through corrosion. If this happens then a tsunami might demolish everything within fifty miles of seaboards.

It is a prediction, not a guarantee, like most future-related things.

One thing is more certain, perhaps, and that is that maps are essential, even ifrepparttar 110104 medium which records them has changed from stone to parchment to disk.

Seamus Dolly is at

Do You Ken John Peel?

Written by James Collins

Continued from page 1

Now, you might think I'm out of sympathy withrepparttar hunting fraternity, and you'd be right, up to a point, although it's true I did a lot of fishing in my early teens, and I once owned a beautiful .22 BSA air rifle with an oiled stock and a rifled barrel. I gave up fishing when I discovered girls, and I exchangedrepparttar 110096 rifle for my first guitar and never looked back.

As a young teenager, part of my reading was aboutrepparttar 110097 safari hunters of Africa and India, last of a dying breed. One ofrepparttar 110098 most interesting of these was Jim Corbett. He became well known as a writer and his best book was probably 'The Man-Eaters of Kumaon'. He had respect and even love forrepparttar 110099 man-eaters that he had to shoot. He was not just a hunter; he was also a naturalist and an early conservationalist, who warned against 'the indiscriminate hunting ofrepparttar 110100 tiger, which if not controlled would eventually deprive India ofrepparttar 110101 finest of her fauna'.

About this time I discovered two great American writers; Hemingway via 'The Green Hills of Africa', written in 1933, and William Faulkner through 'The Bear'. Written in 1942 as a long short story, 'The Bear' is Faulkner at his prophetic best. It's about a group of men and boys who go on a hunting trip every year', and each time they have to drive further to findrepparttar 110102 wilderness asrepparttar 110103 Mississippi Delta shrinks. Atrepparttar 110104 timerepparttar 110105 story was written, conservation was not at all fashionable, nor was it twenty years later when I read it, but it made me realize that there could be a link between hunting and conservation.

I have no desire to hunt or shoot any animal, but I'm hardly in a position to criticize anyone else while I still eat meat. The arguments in favour of hunting are not easy to refute. For instance, it's claimed that without foxhunting, farmers would quickly eradicaterepparttar 110106 fox and that in Scotlandrepparttar 110107 Red deer population would soar without adequate control.

Maybe, but I can't help thinking Oscar Wilde got it right when he wrote about 'The unspeakable in pursuit ofrepparttar 110108 uneatable'. Besides, as a solution torepparttar 110109 deer population problem, I'm forrepparttar 110110 re-introduction ofrepparttar 110111 wolf, absent fromrepparttar 110112 Scottish Highlands since before Bonnie Prince Charlie went home to Italy. This is a serious and considered proposition, now championed byrepparttar 110113 Green Party, and it feels right to me. It works in Montana - why not here inrepparttar 110114 Highlands? Inrepparttar 110115 meantime, at least I've moved out of earshot ofrepparttar 110116 shotguns onrepparttar 110117 estate. James Collins

James Collins is an artist, writer and musician who works in the north of Scotland. These days he specialises in portraits of pets and other animals. He lives with his wife, daughter, and three dogs in a house overlooking the Moray Firth.

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