Managing Your Persistent Fears And Anxieties

Written by Stan Popovich

Continued from page 1

Sometimes we encounter a scary situation that gets us all upset. When encountering these events, always remember to get all ofrepparttar facts ofrepparttar 142072 given situation. Gatheringrepparttar 142073 facts can prevent us from relying on exaggerated and fearful assumptions. By focusing onrepparttar 142074 facts, a person can rely on what is reality and what is not.

Sometimes, it helps to be able to talk to someone about our stressful situations. Talking to a trusted friend, counselor, or clergyman can not only make us feel better, but they might be able to give you additional advice and insights on how to deal with your current problem.

Although I am a layman and not a professional I have interviewed many psychologists and clergyman and I have over fifteen years of experience in dealing with fear. Dealing with our persistent fears is not easy, however there are many helpful resources available to us if you look hard enough.

Copyright: 2005 Stanley Popovich

Stanley Popovich is the author of "A Layman's Guide to Managing Fear Using Psychology, Christianity and Non Resistant Methods” - an easy to read book that presents a general overview of techniques that are effective in managing persistent fears and anxieties. For additional information go to:

Time Management

Written by Kim Olver

Continued from page 1

The second category would be spending time with people I care about---those people who nurture me. I protect time forrepparttar special man in my life, my sons, my extended family and my friends. There are some people whom I avoid when I am protecting my time. They arerepparttar 141932 ones who generally take more than they give. Do you have people like that in your life? If they can’t be totally eliminated, at least minimizerepparttar 141933 time you give to these people.

The third category would be simply things that bring me pleasure or joy. There are things I do that I can do alone or with others when I need relaxation. I like to read a good book, watch a good movie, horseback ride, canoe, ski, walk inrepparttar 141934 woods and something I got to do this weekend---swim. Protect your time so that you get to dorepparttar 141935 things that bring you joy.

Organizing your time has to do with having a good time management system. Don’t wait until something is due tomorrow to start on it. Have a good plan and systems in place so you are in charge of your time instead of your schedule being in charge of you. Learn more about time management systems in our Time Management teleclass.

Another aspect of organizing one’s time is maintaining laser-like focus. Did you know thatrepparttar 141936 average person’s mind wanders around seven to eight times a minute? Developing good work habits that include staying focused untilrepparttar 141937 job is done is critical to organization.

Prioritizing your time has to do with deciding what’s most important. I said I have three categories---goal-oriented actions, time with important people and time doing enjoyable activities. They don’t necessarily prioritize in that order.

There must be a balance. I know that when I spend too much time working, I start to feel on edge and tense. This is generally a strong indicator that I need to switch my focus to one ofrepparttar 141938 other areas. A person cannot be in control of their time if all they do is goal-oriented activity. A healthy balance is necessary for good time management and a healthy lifestyle.

To learn about stress management, visit and schedule a time management workshop for your workplace or check our events calendar for upcoming teleclasses, chats and workshops.

Kim Olver is a licensed professional counselor and a life/relationship coach. She helps people unleash their personal power and improve the quality of their relationships with the important people in their lives. For further information about Kim visit her website at or contact her at (708) 957-6047.

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