Managers Who Spend PR $$ Wisely

Written by Robert A. Kelly

Continued from page 1

Either way, whilerepparttar perception monitoring effort is proceeding, all questioners must stay alert to misconceptions about your unit, as well as inaccuracies, exaggerations, rumors or false assumptions. And keep an eye out for evasive and hesitant responses to your queries.

Once allrepparttar 104810 answers are in-hand, you’re ready to establish your public relations goal, thus fixing what needs correcting repparttar 104811 most. And that may well be to clear up a potentially damaging misconception, shoot down a hurtful rumor, or clarify that misleading exaggeration.

Now, how do you reach that new goal? The right strategy is what you need and that means one of these: create perception where there may be none at all, change that offensive opinion/perception, or reinforce an existing perception. But make surerepparttar 104812 strategy you pick fits naturally with your PR goal.

You still need a message that will correct/alterrepparttar 104813 negative perception turned up during your monitoring activity among members of your target audience. It must be a compelling message, one that is completely believable and one that explains whyrepparttar 104814 offending perception is either untrue or unfair. The message must be clearly presented because you want to alter what people believe in a way that leads torepparttar 104815 target audience behaviors you need to achieve your unit objectives.

Fortunately, deliveringrepparttar 104816 message to those who need to hear it and read it is a simple matter. You have a real variety of communications tactics to help you from speeches, luncheon presentations, media interviews and emails to newsletters, facility tours, brochures and electronic magazines. Just be certainrepparttar 104817 tactics you use have a good record of reaching people similar to those who make up your target audience. So as not to call too much attention torepparttar 104818 original misperception, your PR team may wish to deliverrepparttar 104819 corrective message as part of various presentations to target audience members rather than risk a high profile, news release transmission.

Now, to demonstrate program progress, you and your team must once again monitor perceptions among your target audience watching carefully for indications that your message and tactics have moved those perceptions towards your views.

Of course, to speed uprepparttar 104820 process, you can always add new communications tactics torepparttar 104821 mix and increase their frequencies.

Finally, at this point you should be reassured that your new public relations effort has (1) persuaded your most important outside audiences to your way of thinking, (2) moved them to take actions leading to your success, thus (3) helping achieve your department, division or subsidiary objectives.


Bob Kelly counsels, writes and speaks to managers about using the fundamental premise of public relations to achieve their operating objectives. He has been DPR, Pepsi-Cola Co.; AGM-PR, Texaco Inc.; VP-PR, Olin Corp.; VP-PR, Newport News Shipbuilding & Drydock Co.; director of communications, U.S. Department of the Interior,and deputy assistant press secretary, The White House. Visit:

The Top 10 Questions for Socially Responsible Leaders

Written by Gala Gorman

Continued from page 1


7.Are individuals encouraged to increase competency and enhance their skill set to better serverepparttar socially responsible organization? An organization’s people are one of its greatest assets. Each staff member hasrepparttar 104809 potential to takerepparttar 104810 ordinary and make it extraordinary. Fromrepparttar 104811 front line to top management,repparttar 104812 organization’s people must be encouraged to participate directly in strategic thinking and progressingrepparttar 104813 agenda. Staff should be encouraged and rewarded for pursuing professional development opportunities that make them more valuable and versatile.

8.What considerations were incorporated intorepparttar 104814 organization’s facilities to stimulate creativity? The work environment contributes positively or negatively to productivity and creativity. The organization’s people spendrepparttar 104815 majority of their waking hours inrepparttar 104816 workplace. There is a tremendous opportunity to use this time to stimulaterepparttar 104817 creative process and establish an environment that fosters harmonious interactions. From color schemes, to ergonomic furniture, orrepparttar 104818 use of advanced technology,repparttar 104819 organization’s facilities should be given appropriate consideration.

9.How has technology been employed to bringrepparttar 104820 organization closer to its customers, suppliers, and internal resources? The world wide web has reduced our farthest neighbor torepparttar 104821 “boy next door”. We haverepparttar 104822 ability to provide our customers, suppliers and internal concerns with access to information and a convenient method of communication that 10 years ago would not have been imagined. Customers and suppliers are literally a click away. By using technology wisely, we can provide them withrepparttar 104823 information they need to help us serve them better or vice versa.

Global Impact

10.Hasrepparttar 104824 organization studied and demonstrated that it understands how it contributes torepparttar 104825 global marketplace? Every organization contributes torepparttar 104826 global marketplace in some way. There is a chain of influence that needs to be understood to fully embracerepparttar 104827 importance of incorporating social responsibility initiatives into an organization’s mission. You can begin by tracing your product or service as it moves through its life cycle. As you begin to recognize how even a small change can accumulate and make a global difference, you will be inspired to take an intentional first step towards social responsibility. The Top 10 Questions for Socially Responsible Leaders have been excerpted from a FREE Report “40 Questions for Socially Responsible Leaders” available at At Wholistic Business, we believe that business literally makesrepparttar 104828 world go around. It will be business owners and managers that will ultimately changerepparttar 104829 world forrepparttar 104830 better. By incorporating a new set of values and priorities into what has proven to be a successful formula on many levels, we believe that business will berepparttar 104831 platform for a new agenda -repparttar 104832 Social Responsibility Agenda.

Regardless ofrepparttar 104833 size of your business, you make a contribution torepparttar 104834 global marketplace that impacts humanity with a rippling effect. As an organization’s leader, you choose whether that ripple will be felt positively or negatively. Even a small movement or change in a socially responsible direction can have a dramatic effect. Every day produces a new opportunity for change!

Wholistic Business (, a division of MetaComm International, LLC, is committed to assisting organizations in developing socially responsible business practices with a keen eye on productivity and profitability. Gala Gorman, MetaComm’s CEO, holds a Master’s Degree in Human Development, is a certified public accountant, certified financial planner, published author, executive coach and business consultant with 25 years of experience.

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