Making the Intangible Real

Written by Robert F. Abbott

Continued from page 1

But for me, with my limited knowledge of software and reservoir simulation,repparttar glasses wererepparttar 145522 thing. They transformed an idea into reality; well, virtual reality at least.

If they choose to do so, they can userepparttar 145523 glasses to bridgerepparttar 145524 divide between tangibility and intangibility. Obviously, they can't print or displayrepparttar 145525 views, as they do with other visualization software, but they can showrepparttar 145526 glasses.

For those of us old enough to rememberrepparttar 145527 3-D movies ofrepparttar 145528 1950s,repparttar 145529 connection jumps out at us (literally and figuratively). Or, you may recallrepparttar 145530 video game goggles that appeared at various times inrepparttar 145531 past decade. Whatever our experience,repparttar 145532 glasses should trigger curiosity aboutrepparttar 145533 altered reality we find by wearing them.

In this case,repparttar 145534 glasses become a proxy forrepparttar 145535 software program. The glasses aren'trepparttar 145536 program, but they convey its essence quickly and effectively. It allows prospective customers or clients to grasprepparttar 145537 significance of an intangible product.

So, real products can help us effectively communicaterepparttar 145538 essence of an intangible experience. Next time you're browsing through a department store or mall, look atrepparttar 145539 products on display through new eyes. Look at them as prospective tools for demonstratingrepparttar 145540 essence of your intangible product or service.

In summary, one thing can be a proxy for another thing, allowing us to conveyrepparttar 145541 essence of an intangible through something others can touch or see.

Robert F. Abbott writes and publishes Abbott's Communication Letter. Learn how you can use communication to help achieve your goals, by reading articles or subscribing to this ad-supported newsletter. An excellent resource for leaders and managers, at:

When Something is Free Online

Written by S. Housley

Continued from page 1

Exposure Companies will often provide a light version to gain attention for fee-based products or services. This often allows potential customers to see a product's or services potential. The hope is that providing something free will generate both brand loyalty and interest in fee-based options or services.

The Problem with Free If a business or individual is truly providing something for free, there is a cost involved. Whether time, resources or services are consumed to providerepparttar free item or service there is an expense involved. Ifrepparttar 145441 cost is at any point greater thanrepparttar 145442 benefit or perceived benefit of offeringrepparttar 145443 free item or service,repparttar 145444 business or individual will likely review options to better balancerepparttar 145445 cost-to-benefit ratio.

They may:

Discontinue support Companies or individuals that provide a free product may continue to providerepparttar 145446 item free of charge but discontinuerepparttar 145447 support. Ifrepparttar 145448 item is something like software,repparttar 145449 expense has already occurred. By providingrepparttar 145450 item without technical support or customer service they can reduce their staffing costs. The only ongoing expense to providerepparttar 145451 item free of charge would be ongoing hosting costs, which are usually relatively small. Ifrepparttar 145452 item is critical to a business or individual's operations,repparttar 145453 value ofrepparttar 145454 item will be lost if technical support or customer support is no longer available.

Abandon Businesses may simply discontinue offeringrepparttar 145455 free item or service without notice.

Compensation Individuals or companies may begin requesting donations, compensation, volunteers or a benefit listed above in order to continue to providerepparttar 145456 item or service free of charge.

Cut Corners Often free items are of reduced or inferior quality. Cost-conscious businesses or individuals often try to minimizerepparttar 145457 expense associated with free items and will use less expensive materials for free items.

There is value to "free" just be sure that you know what it is. Next time something is offered for free, evaluaterepparttar 145458 quid pro quo and determine what you are giving in return, because very little is ever really free.

About the Author: Sharon Housley manages marketing for FeedForAll software for creating, editing, publishing RSS feeds and podcasts. In addition Sharon manages marketing for NotePage a wireless text messaging software company.

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