Making decions.

Written by Fatimah Musa

Continued from page 1

Start writing your goals. Make a list of what you can do today andrepparttar next day andrepparttar 122744 next.

Set out your intentions. It’s one step at a time and you have to keep on trying many times and different ways until you get what you want.

Have a talk with yourself. Write your feelings and thoughts in a journal. Sit down alone and contemplate.

Go for a walk. Practice deep breathing.

You and only you decide what you want to think. No one knows what’s going on inside your head. You can rewind and replay your failures or you can record and replay new positive ones.

People can say things about you. You decide what you want to listen to. You decide what you want to keep. You decide what you want to say to yourself.

Sometimes you think that there is no way out. How do you know you have tried everything? Did you write them down? How many ways were there...1, 2 or 20?

If you still have your complete physical self and a sound mind, there is no reason why you cannot start all over. do not want to.

Or maybe what you are really crying out for isrepparttar 122745 familiarity. It’s too scary out there. You have been comfortable all this while.

Now you have no choice but to change or rot. And you do not want to rot. Atrepparttar 122746 same time you are so fearful. You have to decide. Andrepparttar 122747 decision is yours.

This isrepparttar 122748 opportunity for you to challenge yourself. You have to help yourself to grow. You have to developrepparttar 122749 attitude that if you work hard on yourself you can have a better life. No one is going to help you unless you help yourself first.

Fatimah Musa provides information, tips and quotes written to help people become aware that any future growth starts with their personal growth. You can visit Fatimah at

Information, Schminformation--Enough Already!

Written by Lynn Moore

Continued from page 1

3. What do you want people to remember about you?

4. What do you want to accomplish in your life before you die?

5. If a book were written about you, what wouldrepparttar title be?

6. Finish this sentence... "I want to make a difference by..."

Remember one thing...your purpose is not what you do (job), it is not your role in life (parent, spouse, teacher, etc.), it is why and who you are "in spirit". Your purpose can be fulfilled in any number of professions or roles.

If you find your INSPIRATION by answeringrepparttar 122743 above questions, then WoooHooo, good on ya, mate! (I'm practicing my Australian). You will have discoveredrepparttar 122744 driving force that propels you. Something will spark a flame, revrepparttar 122745 idling engine, snap a piece into place and off you go.

You know, people want to be INSPIRED, people want to create, people want to connect. It's in our human-ness. In this new INSPIRATION Age, we will want to place ourselves inrepparttar 122746 company of people and events wherein taking action isrepparttar 122747 purpose. So much of Information is passive - reading, surfingrepparttar 122748 Internet, watching TV. Often we do nothing with it. While all of INSPIRATION is in passion-driven action.

I meet exhausted, duty-driven people every day. The most common phrase I hear is,"I'm just too busy." How on earth did we get into this state? We are suffering physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually with this lifestyle we created. We hearrepparttar 122749 advice "relax" and "just slow down." And who DOES that!? Slowing down a duty-driven life only prolongsrepparttar 122750 suffering while living a passion-driven life actually energizes you.

We ARE enteringrepparttar 122751 INSPIRATION Age. Be ready! Get yourself On-Purpose and Love what you are doing 80% ofrepparttar 122752 time!

What did you just say?.....Oh yes you DO! YES you do have time to honor who and "why" you are. Be open torepparttar 122753 INSPIRATION that will compel you to make it happen.

Lynn Moore is a Life Coach specializing in personal empowerment, especially Women's Personal Relationships, Health and Weight Loss. Her Life Purpose is: "To lead people to discover their true value." As she wears the hats of woman, wife, mother, daughter, aunt, sister and Life Coach she provides "Heavenly Hugs or a Toe to the Tush inspiring you to create change."

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