"Making Money Out Of Nothing At All"

Written by Ewen Chia

Continued from page 1

It's that big a pie, and it's growing, so get your share. And selling info-product is one proven way, in fact it's one ofrepparttar biggest money-spinners online.

How do you get in? Well, you need fresh, in-demand and profit-driving info-products like ebooks, softwares or audios UPDATED constantly. Can you imaginerepparttar 106174 amount of money you'll need to spend if you have to buy individual info-products with resell rights allrepparttar 106175 time??

Ha, I'm not gonna do that definitely, so I dorepparttar 106176 next best thing - find a supplier that'll buy them for me *free*..... More on this coming right up!

5. Your Visitors Need To Know You!

Most traffic to your website is wasted traffic IF you do not capitalize on following-up with your visitors!

Very few will purchase from you onrepparttar 106177 first visit. Why? They don't really know, trust or hear you. In fact, your visitors will not mind hearing from you again and again if you give them quality information.

Meaning - You must start an ezine or mailing list.

Basically, you need to get your visitors' email addresses to build a relationship with them. This isrepparttar 106178 basis of follow-up marketing AND really,repparttar 106179 *Secret* of so many online gurus. They email recommendations to their HUGE responsive subscribers and make chunks of money each time - literally creating money out of nothing at all.

So start capturing your visitors' emails and follow-up with them regularly. Supply quality and exclusive information to them. Build that trust and credibility. Do what it takes.

I take this so seriously that I built an entire website around my ezine, causerepparttar 106180 ezine ISrepparttar 106181 main product.

= All-In-One Online Business Solution =

Alright, everything I've talked about so far will mean nothing to you if I don't provide yourepparttar 106182 tools you need.

I mean, here arerepparttar 106183 main crucial elements of a working online business. But for most, getting them together isrepparttar 106184 hardest part...imaginerepparttar 106185 headaches, money and time required to set each up individually!

Fortunately, there's a PERFECT solution for you....

An ALL-IN-ONE online business solution provider!

You get EVERYTHING needed to make your living online :

1. Premium Web Hosting, 500 MB Space 2. Unlimited Digital Software and Ebook Products 3. Professional Ad Tracking 4. Sequential and Standard Email Autoresponders 5. List Hosting and List Broadcasting (Start and run your own ezine) 7. Private Message Board Support 8. Wholesale Product Locator (sell ANY type of product) 9. Copyright free, Internet Marketing Database (to create Your own products) 10. Ebook/Software Purchasing Service 11. Unlimited support and guidance...and much more

You can get more information here if you are serious :


Let's recap what we've went through. I debunked hypes of get-rich-quick schemes, but showed yourepparttar 106186 critical elements of a successful online business. Focusing on selling info-products, you got an idea what you would need to set things up. Then,repparttar 106187 perfect place for all your online business needs was given to you....

So, question is, are you willing and ready to do what it takes to set it up? Are you imaginingrepparttar 106188 possibilility of making money out of nothing once your system is up?

Stop imagining! It IS possible IF you set it up....

Ewen Chia brings you the "Money Making Marketing Report". => How would YOU like to get $97.00 worth of eBooks Free? Titles include "Opt-In Secrets","Online Success Blueprint" and "Free Advertising Handbook"! PLUS Receive Amazing Internet Marketing Tips, Tricks And Much More..Instantly! Subscribe at http://www.Marketing-Make- Money.com or send an email to mailto:mmm@followup101.com

Virtual Assistance = Higher Productivity

Written by Janice D. Byer, MVA

Continued from page 1

They also take care of their own expenses, which again saves yourepparttar money that you would normally have to spend on benefits, source deductions and lost time wages.

Most VA's are self-employed entrepreneurs, and unlike a staff member, they have a vested interest inrepparttar 106173 success of your business. They work with you to help you keep up and to grow. To most, it isn't simply a 9 to 5 job, but a career choice that they take great pride in.

Most VA's have local client lists, but are also able to assist 'from afar'. By using any ofrepparttar 106174 communication devices available today (ie. phone, fax, email, etc), projects can be accomplished without ever having to meet face to face. And, withrepparttar 106175 growing ease ofrepparttar 106176 Internet, finding a VA almost anywhere inrepparttar 106177 world is quite simple to accomplish as well. By simply typing 'virtual assistant' into any search engine, you can locaterepparttar 106178 one person who can take some ofrepparttar 106179 load off of your shoulders.

Whether you are a home-based business who needs a website developed, a small business that is looking for a way out from underrepparttar 106180 paperwork or are part of a large corporation that has an extra assignment that no one seems to have time to do, a Virtual Assistant can berepparttar 106181 answer to your problems. They can be your sounding board and offer feedback and advice when a fresh perspective is needed.

Janice Byer is a certified Master Virtual Assistant and owner of Docu-Type Administrative & Web Design Services (http://www.docutype.net). Visit her website to read more of her articles, sign up for her award-winning newsletter, and browse her various services, testimonials and resources.

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