Making Money On The Internet

Written by Trina L.C. Schiller

Continued from page 1

For Example: My own business portfolio resembles this:

TLC Promotions - The parent company of all my business interests. My personal brand. The place you can go to find out all about what I do. Established - 2000 The Trii-Zine Ezine - The official RSS feed for TLC Promotions. First published - 2001 - The Internet marketing team that I promote Melaleuca with. This is my main home based business operation,repparttar one that paysrepparttar 100328 bills... Promoted by TLC Promotions and The Trii-Zine Ezine. Established - 2001 AdsOnQ - The Internet's first syndicated advertising agency, which I co-created with several other brilliant people. Established - 2004 - The backbone (RSS feed source) of bothrepparttar 100329 Trii-Zine Ezine and AdsOnQ. My perferred communications system. Each business interest in my portfolio compliments all ofrepparttar 100330 others in some way. This allows me to maintain a handle on all of them in a fluid fashion. I am an expert in each, and can providerepparttar 100331 best support in them all.

If you spread yourself too thin, you are of no assistance to anyone within your businesses, including yourself. All you're doing is running around like a chicken with its head cut off, andrepparttar 100332 only thing you ever manage to get accomplished is making sure your monthly membership fees are paid on time, complaining that your free advertising isn't bringing you any cash flow.


If this sounds like you, don't beat yourself up about it. (Hey, I was there. I found myself answering, "Which one?" The t-shirt says: Dah!...) Just cut awayrepparttar 100333 deadwood and focus on what you know, or can easily learn. Start cancelling paid memberships to things rather than adding to your debt load. Don't go hacking away with wild abandon though; carefully evaluate everything you've gotten yourself into, and create a protfolio that you can actually work with.

You can make money onrepparttar 100334 Internet, but you have to be smart about it. Use what you know, learn what you don't and spend your money wisely. Talk to people. Find out what others know, but don't start jumping on bandwagons. Spendrepparttar 100335 time to research opportunities. You don't have to shutdown broke every day.

Butter spread too thin yields no flavor, only grease.

Copyright © 2005 The Trii-Zine Ezine

Trina L.C. Schiller is a professional network marketer, the publisher of the Internet marketing ezine, "Trii-Zine" and owner of TLC Promotions, as well as a founding publisher at, and President of, the Internet's first syndicated advertising agency. RSS, Blogs and Syndication... The Facts vs The guruese"

How secure do you feel at your job

Written by Jim Heim

Continued from page 1

I did receive a charitable severance package but then what. I was thankful that my kids were grown and on their own but how was I going to payrepparttar bills? Could I afford to keep my home? What ifrepparttar 100327 car quits? Energy costs are onrepparttar 100328 rise, can I heat my home? Can I even afford gas forrepparttar 100329 car? What would you do in this situation?

Afterrepparttar 100330 initial shock wore off I realized life would go on. My girlfriend, who also worked atrepparttar 100331 same store and sufferedrepparttar 100332 same fate as I, started our own business. We do home repair with a focus on paint and wallpaper.

That works as well asrepparttar 100333 effort you put into it. Another problem isrepparttar 100334 Holidays. First, people don’t want their house torn up duringrepparttar 100335 holidays. Second, they can’t afford to have changes because they are paying forrepparttar 100336 holidays.

Like many people I have a home computer which I enjoy. Hey! Why not make money at home withrepparttar 100337 computer? I searched around a bit, trying a few “it’s quick and easy to make cash” programs. Watch out forrepparttar 100338 “offers” that suggest “for just $19.95 you can make cash today”. Also be cautious of programs with a one or two page website. It didn’t take long to figure out it was them makingrepparttar 100339 fast buck!

What I was looking for was a company with a solid background, one that had been around with a track record to prove it. One that offered more than an email address for support or questions, one with no money up front to join. With a bit of time and effort you can find a solid opportunity to invest your time and energy in.

How secure do you feel in your job?

Jim Heim has over 25 years of retail management experience. He has his own Home Improvement business. He is an Executive Affiliate with SFI and is willing to help those who wish to help themselves secure their future. Learn more by visiting.

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