Make your e-commerce website more than an electronic catalog

Written by Gregg Kell

Continued from page 1

2. Include tax and shipping costs in your customers shopping cart: Make certainrepparttar customer is aware of allrepparttar 108572 costs included inrepparttar 108573 purchase.

3. Add gift ideas like cards, gift certificates, and wrapping paper options before your customer checks out. The isrepparttar 108574 kind of personalized service that will turn visitors into returning customers. You can ask them what color wrapping paper they prefer, they can key in their gift card message, clickrepparttar 108575 submit button and checkout.

4. Clearly displayed privacy policy information and other rules and guidelines in pop-ups.

5. Don't force registration. Allow customers a chance to fill in their shopping cart with your products first, and then ask them to register.

6. Offer your customers on-line order tracking features, online customer help and multiple shipping options.

E-commerce has created new and exciting opportunities for everyone to have his or her own on-line business. Thousands of people every day are finding new ways to make money on-line. Butrepparttar 108576 simple secret for business success has never changed. Treat your customers with respect. Provide them with a quality product at a fair price and you’re likely to build a successful business.

Gregg Kell is President of Kell Solutions a website design and search engine optimization firm based in Laguna Niguel, CA. Permission is granted to re-publish this article providing it is published in its entirety without exclusion including this Author’s Block and imbedded links. The author may be contacted via email.

Creating Your Own Blogging Empire!

Written by Paul Sanford

Continued from page 1

Blogs are easier to drive traffic to than regular websites and can be set up in a few minutes.

Just add your blog torepparttar right directories and you can have traffic zooming towards you in minutes.

And by targetting high paying keywords you can bring in pretty good profits in no time.

Some bidders are paying up to $80 for a single click and you can cash in on that action.

Savvy marketers are providing lists of high paying keywords for a one time payment. Some offer monthly updates.

If you can come up withrepparttar 108571 cash for these high paying keyword lists and targetrepparttar 108572 right audience using free or low cost blogs, you can create your own personal ATM.

This isrepparttar 108573 new gold rush. The only requirement is that you have to updaterepparttar 108574 content regularly.

But if you have, let's say 50 Blogs, each earning you an average of $3 - $5 per day, I think it’s worthrepparttar 108575 effort.

Discover the fastest method of producing massive income streams using this method...Download this free ebook:

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