Make a Decision and Take Action!

Written by Lorraine Pirihi

Continued from page 1

People often only think of having a back up when something goes wrong. They don't worry about their own business and systems. As long as they are 'busy', who needs to 'waste time' on systems?

Specialist skills are required and they are not just acquired by experience. Mary needs to equip herself with some basic life skills so she can live and work effectively. She has to be able to put those skills into action!

Atrepparttar rate she's going, she won't be living long enough to enjoyrepparttar 104210 years of hard work she has contributed to her business.

It's been a couple of years since we first spoke and I'd forgotten all about Mary until I bumped into one of her former employees who had stayed with her for six months. Jan told me it was extremely stressful and unrewarding working for Mary. She could never complete her work as her duties were always changing. Mary made promises to clients which she would often break and Jan, being her personal assistant wasrepparttar 104211 personrepparttar 104212 clients would go to make surerepparttar 104213 work was done on time. She was alsorepparttar 104214 key person who keptrepparttar 104215 peace withrepparttar 104216 rest ofrepparttar 104217 staff.

Jan had given Mary one month's notice when she handed in her resignation, so Mary had plenty of time to find a replacement.

When Jan left, Mary still hadn't found a replacement as she left it torepparttar 104218 week before Jan exited to advertiserepparttar 104219 position. Of course she did allrepparttar 104220 recruiting herself, advertised inrepparttar 104221 local paper and had 50 replies. No doubt she wastedrepparttar 104222 next month interviewing suitable applicants.

When Is The Right Time? When isrepparttar 104223 right time to take action? Is it at Christmas,repparttar 104224 new year,repparttar 104225 beginning ofrepparttar 104226 financial year, when you've got nothing else to do, when your spouse leaves you, when your business is on its last legs, whenrepparttar 104227 kids finally go to school, whenrepparttar 104228 boss leaves or when you become so sick fromrepparttar 104229 stress of your life that you cannot get out of bed?

The Final Word Henry Ford said "The hardest work known to man is thinking". I say "the second hardest work known to man is taking action".

Lorraine Pirihi, principal of The Office Organiser is Australia's Personal Productivity Specialist. She is also a Business and Life Coach.

Take action today! Contact Lorraine to discuss how she can help you on (613) 9532 5497 or email

Get Organised and Transform Your Life

Written by Lorraine Pirihi

Continued from page 1

One of my coaching clients is a runner. He originally rang me because his work and his life was out of control. He runs 20 kms a day and has done so for many years. I asked him how did he manage to religiously run every morning before work yet couldn't seem to leaverepparttar office by 5.30 p.m. each night. He answered "It's easy to jump out of bed inrepparttar 104209 morning and run, there's nothing or no-one able to stop me at that hour (5.30 a.m.). Yet when I'm at work there are too many demands on my time and they seem to always arise late inrepparttar 104210 day."

Learn to pay yourself first. Just like George Classon wrote in his book "The Richest Man In Babylon", take 10% of whatever you earn and pay yourself first. Use it to invest, otherwise there will never be anything left once you pay everything else. And I'm sure many of you can relate to that.

How to Pay Yourself First You need to make yourselfrepparttar 104211 first priority. Ensure you allow time each and every day to action your own personal agenda.

Here's a couple of ideas to get you started:

Block out time each day in your diary for your exercise. Eg. Walk at 6.00 a.m. or lunchtime. Plan that first. Block out time each day to follow up on your personal issues. Eg. Book dental appointment, respond to phone calls, contact bank. Do that early inrepparttar 104212 day otherwise you'll run out of time and leave it Make sure that you stick to it. Learn to say 'no' if other people want to make other plans for you during those 'me' times. You must take care of yourself first. You haverepparttar 104213 power to say 'yes' or 'no' to other people's demands on your time. Treat yourself as your no. 1 priority.

The Final Word When you decide (yes, that right), it's when you decide to make yourselfrepparttar 104214 highest priority in your life, you'll find how much easier it is to live your life. When you decide you're worth it, it will be easy for you to say 'no' to other people's demands/requests. Of course, you'll need to learn how to organise yourself so that you are effective as possible.

Lorraine Pirihi, principal of The Office Organiser is Australia's Personal Productivity Specialist. She is also a Business and Life Coach.

Take action today! Contact Lorraine to discuss how she can help you on (613) 9532 5497 or email

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