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To rebalance
scales, you need to incorporate physical exercise. You may enjoy walking, doing weights, yoga, cycling, table tennis … anything that gets your blood pumping and energy rising.
I enjoy yoga, but when I've pushed myself too far out of balance I need a good game that involves hitting a ball to get me back in line. Another upside to playing a game with someone means there will be a lot of laughter.
While playing a game of tennis or squash with good friends, it is easy to feel like a kid again.
For a brief moment in time, I forget I have a home, a business and family responsibilities. My entire focus is on not getting clobbered and making my opponent laugh so hard she can't hit
ball back.
When we have nothing left to give, we head to
Dairy Queen for some soothing ice cream, sit on
tailgate of my truck and contemplate life and our dreams for
Working hard is a part of being an entrepreneur. Working smarter and not harder is what will truly set you free and allow you to move mountains.
But, every once in a while, there will come a project that will demand more of you than usual and if you have
true mindset and passion of an entrepreneur, you will jump in with both feet and not quit until
job is done.
The important thing here is to not let
project become a long-term demand on you that will create an unhealthy balance in your life.
condition that
task will receive your utmost attention and if you know it will create a deficit in your other personal accounts such as sleep, family and physical exercise, have a recovery plan in place to rebalance
What is one activity you do (or used to do) that made you feel like a kid? When is
last time you participated in this activity and what is stopping you from doing it today?
If you have been focusing all of your time and attention on your business and have not let up for air, ask yourself this …
What is one activity that I absolutely love to do that I haven't done because I am so involved in my business I have neglected it?
Then ask yourself … If I were to do this activity today, would my business suffer? Would I have to close my doors? Would it make or break my success as a business owner?
answer is yes, it is time for you to realize that critical changes need to be made in
way you are managing your business.
answer is no, leave your office/shop/store, lock
door behind you and go have fun. Call a friend who enjoys
same activity you do and forget about your responsibilities even if only for a little while.

Laurie Hayes works with small and home-based business owners who are struggling to maintain a healthy work/life balance. To receive valuable tips, strategies and techniques designed to grow a successful business without sacrificing quality of life, subscribe to her free bi-weekly newsletter at