Make Your Holiday Meals Healthier

Written by Renee Kennedy

Continued from page 1

6. Fruit dishes for dessert. skiprepparttar crust! Try fruit cocktail, fresh fruit and chocolate fondue, fruit and sherbet parfait, or fruit and yogurt dip.

Low fat substitutes for cooking and baking:

1. In baking recipes like cake, substitute half of any ofrepparttar 115502 oil in a recipe withrepparttar 115503 same amount of pureed fruit. For instance, ifrepparttar 115504 recipe calls for 1/2 cup of oil, use 1/4 cup of oil and substituterepparttar 115505 other 1/4 cup of oil with 1/4 cup of applesauce.

2. For low fat pie crust use 3 Tbsp. of shortening and 3 Tbsp. of water for each cup of flour.

3. When making gravy, before usingrepparttar 115506 broth, let it cool down, skim off allrepparttar 115507 fat that forms onrepparttar 115508 top.

4. Tofu has a creamy texture that takes on any flavor. You can puree it to use in dips, soups, and baking to replace sour cream, cream, buttermilk or eggs. To replace liquid ingredients userepparttar 115509 same amount of pureed tofu asrepparttar 115510 ingredient. To replace eggs, 5 Tbsp. of pureed tofu equals one egg. Userepparttar 115511 "baking blend" orrepparttar 115512 soft variety of tofu for substitutions in baking.

Need help counting calories? The NutriCounter isrepparttar 115513 right device for helping you monitor your calorie intake. It stores and tracks nine nutrients including calories, total fat, saturated fat, protein, carbohydrates, sodium, cholesterol, sugar, and fiber. It's available in Palm OS and Pocket PC software or as a hand held unit.

Renee Kennedy is the editor of the monthly ezine NutriCounter Update. Come and visit the NutriCounter web site at for an extensive selection of articles on health, nutrition and exercise.

Is The Nasal FluMist Vaccine Worth It?

Written by Lena Sanchez

Continued from page 1

If they can scare enough people into paying $70 a spray they will come out with billions of dollars. The fact that so many are paranoid of needles might pull offrepparttar worst health hazard in history withrepparttar 115501 FluMist. Yes, many will probably fall for their scare tactics. Then watchrepparttar 115502 death rate inrepparttar 115503 immunocompromised community climb! Well you probably won't be able to watch as I'm sure they will not tell you about it!

Don't buy into their scare tactics. It's much less expensive and far more healthy to get your immune system in top shape making it next to impossible forrepparttar 115504 flu bugs to invade your body! If you have no idea where to start building your immune system

Be smart and be healthy, Lena

*** Lena Sanchez Author of "Handbook Of Herbs To Health & Other Secrets," "Antibiotic Alternatives To Preventing Mega Bacteria," & "Dangers & Secrets Doctors Refuse To Tell You." Found online at and Editor of "Natural Environmental Health Facts & Your Home Business Coach" ezine subscribe at

**** Author Lena Sanchez a retired Medical Office Administrator/nurse and Medical Office consultant editor of “Natural Environmental Health Facts & Your Home Business Coach” ezine Continues her goal in life of helping people regain their health and wealth. A brief bio at

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