Make Your Customers' Dreams Come True!

Written by Evan Fishe

Continued from page 1

Also, you can helprepparttar customer reach their dreams in stages. For instance, we all know that no business opportunity out there will really make you $1,000,000 inrepparttar 121901 first 15 minutes -- financial success takes some time. However, you can give your customers a "taste" of their dreams to come -- that's why giving away "Free Vacation" Certificates have become such a powerful incentive in business. They give customers a little bit of their dreams (after all,repparttar 121902 desire to travel is a common dream for most of us). The added appeal of an inexpensive incentive like this can go a long way in creating more sales and larger profits for your business.

The important thing to remember here is that we arerepparttar 121903 most successful when we actually help our customers achieve their goals and desires, rather than just cashing in on them. As I said before, we all have dreams, and one that we should all have is to feelrepparttar 121904 satisfaction of helping other people see their dreams come true.

Evan Fisher specializes in helping businesses find the marketing and promotion tools they need to survive. To find out more about some of the special opportunities that he has discovered (and that YOU can profit from!), just visit Evan can be reached at

You Get What You Pay For

Written by Marc Goldman

Continued from page 1

Asrepparttar old saying goes, "you get what you pay for". Nothing in life is free. Do not ever expect to have a well grounded business when it is built using solely free resources. Yes, there are some free tools that are worthy of being utilized and that will make you some money. For instance, joint ventures such as ezine ad swaps can be very lucrative. Utilizing free publicity tools like press releases can be more valuable than buying a full page ad. However, you must temper your use of free resources with those that cost some money. You must also know what tools are reliable, how to implement them and where to find them.

It is of paramount importance and crucial to your success that you have instant access torepparttar 121900 most reliable business and marketing tools, services, training, consulting and software. In an online business, time is ofrepparttar 121901 essence. Byrepparttar 121902 time you are finished locating and learning aboutrepparttar 121903 latest trends and techniques, they have become obsolete and your competition has blown you away. If you rely onrepparttar 121904 search engines to locate your marketing resources, you are already 2 steps behind everyone else.

Instead, you should utilize already existing tools that contain already tested, proven and reliable resources. This will minimize your learning curve so you could concentrate your efforts on marketing and maximizing your profits rather than on aimless searching and costly mistakes.

When reliable resources (whether free or fee based) are implemented correctly, your business will run smoothly and successfully.

Marc Goldman, Goldbar Enterprises subscribe to The Marketers Resource Weekly: The Free Internet Marketing Resource for the New Millennium. Subscribe at Discover the exclusive members only website that will propel your business to dizzying heights.

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