Make Time For Family

Written by Terri Seymour

Continued from page 1

3. Organize your time. This simple yet effective task will enable to do much more work and have more family time than just going from one thing to another, trying to figure out what to do next.

4. Exercise. This is another thing you can do with family or solo. Go for a nice brisk walk or hop on your bike and go for a ride. Exercise is a great stress reducer and it also helps refresh your mind.

5. Get involved with your kids lives. Talk to them. By doing this you will feel much more in control in your personal and work life. This will give you a stability you might not feel otherwise.

6. Have a date night with your hubby/wife or sweetheart. Sometimes we get lost in our lives and don't take time to really be with each other. To do this is extremely important because if we are happier and more relaxed with our mate, that feeling will spill out into other areas of our lives, making us more productive.

7. Take a day off from your computer. Go out forrepparttar day with your family and do not even think about email or websites or business of any kind. After such a day, you will be refreshed and ready to get back to work.

You can find more info and ideas here:

Besides many other things, having Web Success has instilled in me just how important family is. No matter what life throws at you, always make time for family!!

Terri Seymour owns and operates is a website, ezine and service which provides the resources, tools, guidance and more to help you start, publish and promote your own ezine. You can contact Terri at Subscribe at or visit for lots more info.

Do You Have a Round Toit?

Written by Pamela Geiss

Continued from page 1

To be successful, it taks focus, desire, management, self-discipline and determination. You have to WANT it. You have SEE yourself as successful. You have to BELIEVE you will be successful. And you also have to believe your product has value. Don't pick a product to sell just because it pays good dividends. Pick a product because it's something you believe in - something you want and something you wouldn't be embarassed to sell to your own mother or best friend.

Most people start out onrepparttar Internet with great zeal, but when success doesn't come in 2 or 3 months, they lose that drive. They come up with all kinds of reasons why it's not possible to "make it" onrepparttar 117853 Internet. The problem is they come up with every reason exceptrepparttar 117854 real reason they aren't making it - tenacity:repparttar 117855 ability to "keep on keeping on" no matter whatrepparttar 117856 obstacles. Great businesses weren't made overnight. Bill Gates didn't have an idea and become wealthyrepparttar 117857 next month, and neither will you. But he had a vision and didn't let anything get in his way to make that vision a reality.

Find that "Round Toit" and make your vision a reality!

Pamela Geiss is the owner of the successful LotsaPerks Advertising Agency. Her specialty is getting traffic to websites. She also publishes The LotsaPerks Newsletter. Visit her today at .

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