Make This One Change To Your Web Page... and Double and Triple Your Profits

Written by Keller Flynn

Continued from page 1

Don't follow your headline with a diatribe on how good your product is. Instead, talk aboutrepparttar thing readers care about most. Make your copy describe a problemrepparttar 121789 reader has. Tell howrepparttar 121790 problem affectsrepparttar 121791 reader's life. Showrepparttar 121792 reader howrepparttar 121793 problem will get worse, much worse, over time if it is not fixed.

Now Dole Out The Medicine. Present your product or service asrepparttar 121794 solution torepparttar 121795 customer's problem. Describe its most important features, then connect them withrepparttar 121796 benefits they will bring.

Most of your customers don't automatically understand how your product's great features can help them. You have to describerepparttar 121797 benefits. It helps to give real life examples of howrepparttar 121798 feature helps people.

Try not to bury your reader in features. If you have more than three, list them in bulleted form. Bullets help readers digest a batch of related points.

Trot Out The Raves. Next is a good time to add several enthusiastic testimonials from satisfied customers. Haverepparttar 121799 customer talk about how she gotrepparttar 121800 results you promised in your benefits section.

If your product will saverepparttar 121801 customer time and hassles, have a real life customer talk about how he now has time to go to his son's baseball that he can get work finished faster.

If your product or service is new, have several people try it, then give you their comments. Most people are delighted to help, especially if they know you will be publishing their opinions.

Tell Them HOW TO BUY. This isrepparttar 121802 one thing so many sites miss. Give people a big order button they can't miss. Make it easy for them to buy.

Easy ordering should include information on how customers can contact you. Include your email address (which you check often), your phone number, and your physical location. Also include your guarantee if you have one.

Let customers know how long it will take for you to deliverrepparttar 121803 product or service. And be sure to tell them how much extra shipping and handling will cost. Stating these things right up front helps customers make a decision to buy, NOW.

Make these changes to your opening web page today. This improvement isrepparttar 121804 one thing that can turn your sales around immediately. I've seen sites double and triple their sales after we put this changes in place. One man called to say his sales went up "ten fold" within a couple of days.

Keller Flynn specializes in powerful 900 word sales letters that go on web site opening pages. See his work at DrNunley's Reach Keller at or 801-328-9006.

The One Hypnotic Command That Always Works

Written by Joe Vitale

Continued from page 1

In other words, ifrepparttar one thing laundry soap buyers want is "allergy free soap," then pack all your hypnotic writing power into one line that says THAT is what they will get from your

soap. Even "Allergy Free Soap Here" would work as a hypnotic

line in that scenario. Anything else you say may be weak and

even annoying compared to telling your prospectsrepparttar 121788 one thing they want to hear.

Here's another example: Say you are selling a magic trick of some sort. You can list everything from "easy" to "new" to "inexpensive" to "amaze your friends" to "add it to your collection" to any number of possible selling statements.

But what isrepparttar 121789 ONE thing your audience of budding magicians want? Whatever it is, focus on it. That will berepparttar 121790 one hypnotic command that will explode sales. Since I am a magician, I know "Easily Amaze Your Friends" would be a great single hypnotic command forrepparttar 121791 magic audience. In fact, I know of one magic supplier who usesrepparttar 121792 slogan "Working hard to make you amazing." He's onrepparttar 121793 right track. He knows magicians want to be amazing, and he's got a hypnotic command to convey that message. He'll capturerepparttar 121794 right audience and get them itching to buy from that one line alone.

Right about now you should be asking yourself, "But how do I find out whatrepparttar 121795 one thing is that my prospects want?"

Good question. The answer is to first ask them, and second, test them. In short, call, email, and visit some people from your audience of prospects. Talk to them. Find out whatrepparttar 121796 one thing is they want from your business. Too many bad copywriters just trust their hunches on what their audience wants. Don't do it. As much as I believe in intuition---after all, I wrote a book called "Spiritual Marketing"---the only way to know with any certainty what your prospects want is to question them.

But even that isn't good enough. After you question them, test them. Write ads, letters, and email campaigns with your

prospects revealed "one desire" dominate. If you've truly hit onrepparttar 121797 one thing they want, sales will roll in. If you miss, try another "one desire" and see if that pulls better. Again, what you are looking for isrepparttar 121798 one hypnotic command that will make your prospects buy buy buy.

Now let me assure you that you might still give a long list of reasons why people should buy from you, BUT be sure that long list stems from your key "one hypnotic command." If you

don't userepparttar 121799 key command that activatesrepparttar 121800 buying impulse in your prospects, your long list will be a grab bag of odds

and ends that may confuse people. You needrepparttar 121801 one command to grab their attention and maybe even closerepparttar 121802 deal right there, yet you may still need your list of benefits to help convince them to buy. Don't dismiss your list. Just don't rely on it.

Finally, how do you write a hypnotic command?

That would take a book to explain. In short, write itrepparttar 121803 same way you do a good headline: Short, engaging, relevant to your audience. Think of what your prospects want and give

them one tight line that suggests you have it for them.

Look atrepparttar 121804 titles for articles in "Reader's Digest" magazine, for example. They are intriguing, short, and vibrant. Write your "command"repparttar 121805 same way. And for motivation to get yourself to work at writing a hypnotic suggestion, remind yourself that it only takes one good line to make someone buy.

After all, my one hypnotic command got you to read this entire article, didn't it?

Joe Vitale is recognized by many to be one of the greatest living copywriters. His latest project, the Hypnotic Writer's Swipe File is a collection of over 1,550 copywriting gems that took him years to compile. Click here to learn more.

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