Make Mistakes! It's Okay. Really!

Written by Ronnie Nijmeh

Continued from page 1

I mean, how can you learn without messing up every once in a while? You need to make a mistake to learn. If you did everything perfectly, then you’ll never knowrepparttar right strategy fromrepparttar 123124 wrong.

Are You a Leader?

Then there’s a whole other set of people who admit to their mistakes, acknowledge that they stumbled, but they go right into contingency mode. I mean, so you screwed up, so what? It’s notrepparttar 123125 end ofrepparttar 123126 world is it? The Earth will still be in orbit and mosquitoes will still be bitingrepparttar 123127 hell out of your legs. It’s not a question of: “I screwed up, give me pity”, it’s a question of: “Okay, I slipped-up, but this is what I’m going to do about it...”

The best leaders out there arerepparttar 123128 ones who maderepparttar 123129 most mistakes but learned from them. The ones that never discovered or acknowledged their faux pas never made it intorepparttar 123130 business world and never made a difference in their own life, orrepparttar 123131 world.

Young Toronto Blue Jays starting pitcher Josh Towers went 0-12 last season between Baltimore and its Triple-A club. Last year asrepparttar 123132 Jays' fifth starter he went 8-1. Quiterepparttar 123133 turn around from just a year ago! Josh Towers,repparttar 123134 winning Jays' pitcher inrepparttar 123135 last game ofrepparttar 123136 season, said:

"You can't succeed without failing. I failed. I learned a lot from that."

Now go out there and pitch a perfect game in your life. You might fail once. Or twice. Or ten times. But just remember, each failure brings you closer to a glowing success.

© Copyright 2004, Ronnie Nijmeh, The ACQYR team provides the masses with witty yet strategic ideas leading to self- improvement and growth. For more information and exciting, fresh motivational articles, visit: Live. Learn. ACQYR.

Motivation-- the Key is in Your Actions

Written by Kate Hufstetler

Continued from page 1

For Motivation: all throughoutrepparttar day, if you can remember and try to stay inrepparttar 123123 moment (called mindfulness) when things aren't quite as exciting-- then you will come to realize that at every given moment you have everything you need.

This is not mumbo jumbo. In years past, I went through an upsetting situation or 2 myself. Yet, I honestly can say: there might have been things I wanted, or felt I needed, in those moments. BUT, inrepparttar 123124 absolute miniscule ofrepparttar 123125 moment-- right there and then-- I could realize that withrepparttar 123126 situation / circumstance unchangeable then (even as it was) I had everything I was going to have.

And THERE-- in that space, in each breath, I was infinitely -- ok. (even if I "felt" horrible). Often times, you will find you are much, much more than "ok". You are truly BLESSED-- especially compared to those in war torn villages, or third world countries.

No one has to wait until their 30's to begin to realize how to live their life on course and as a fulfilling joy. In fact many of us set goals, had hobbies, and lived inrepparttar 123127 moment as teenagers. Maybe we were onto something back then!

If life has thrown you a curve you never intended on-- fire right back! Don't give up. Instead find your motivation again in each day as you live on purpose with goals and designs that bring your life joy and pleasure.

Work daily to keep before you things to achieve, elements that bring delight, and all alongrepparttar 123128 way stay reflective inrepparttar 123129 moment. If you can do this-- your motivation should naturally grow on a daily basis.

Until next time--- allrepparttar 123130 best, Kate

Kate Hufstetler is a well established business & personal coach who has helped many individuals like yourself to gain control over their lives. Her clients come from both the United States and overseas. She offers coaching services via email and phone consultations at flexible timing and financing to meet your every need. Please visit for available packages within your range:

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