Make A Difference: Boycott Wal-Mart

Written by Gary Whittaker

Continued from page 1

Old Mom & Pop stores cannot survive anymore either. When they moved out ofrepparttar city and intorepparttar 132180 suburbs, Wal-Mart followed. Oncerepparttar 132181 population onrepparttar 132182 outskirts of a city reach a certain density, you can be sure that there will be a Wal-Mart coming soon. One may even show up quicker on sites with highway access. Wal-Mart’s own buying policy is such that small time operations cannot afford to sell to Wal-Mart and make a profit. Small companies cannot survive onrepparttar 132183 pennies Wal-Mart leaves them, nor can they compete withrepparttar 132184 chains themselves, so they close down. Since this impacts more thanrepparttar 132185 clothing industry, more people will replace their lost jobs with lower paying ones, and have to rely on stores like Wal-Mart to maintain their own moderate lifestyle.

We are not powerless against this. Alone, we can do nothing. Together, we can change that policy. Wal-Mart will continue to attract customers, that is a fact. But we can make it so that there will only be Mercedes-Benz and BMW’s inrepparttar 132186 parking lot. If we pull together, we can cut enough into Wal-Mart’s bottom line for them to make serious changes.

If you are part of a social organization, let them know what we are doing.

If you run a website, put a link to this page.

If you are simply a concerned citizen, Boycott Wal-Mart!

Sendrepparttar 132187 strongest message you can! Companies will not listen to your words, they will listen to your wallet. Only if we change our buying strategy can we get them to listen to us. You can still get great deals at other related companies. The point here is to send a message. Start withrepparttar 132188 chain that hasrepparttar 132189 most to lose, andrepparttar 132190 most amount of money to do something significant to change things. The purpose is not to destroy, but to rebuild. Once Wal-Mart changes their policies,repparttar 132191 others will follow suit or they will be next. We want to build a new type of Co-Op. A type of Co-Op that can changerepparttar 132192 world with members ofrepparttar 132193 global community. A Co-Op of average everyday people.

Send A Message: Boycott Wal-Mart

Gary Whittaker is the editor of T.E.N Magazine, a sports and social commentary webzine with balls! Check out more articles at

Florida's Child - Fatal Deception or Social Blindness?

Written by C. Bailey-Lloyd/LadyCamelot

Continued from page 1

ChildHelp USA lists common indicators displayed in child abuse or neglect victims in their following list:

PHYSICAL ABUSE 1. Unexplained burns, cuts, bruises, or welts inrepparttar shape of an object 2. Bite marks 3. Anti-social behavior 4. Problems in school 5. Fear of adults

EMOTIONAL ABUSE 1. Apathy 2. Depression 3. Hostility or stress 4. Lack of concentration 5. Eating disorders

SEXUAL ABUSE 1. Inappropriate interest or knowledge of sexual acts 2. Nightmares and bed wetting 3. Drastic changes in appetite 4. Overcompliance or excessive aggression 5. Fear of a particular person or family member

NEGLECT 1. Unsuitable clothing for weather 2. Dirty or unbathed 3. Extreme hunger 4. Apparent lack of supervision

In addition,repparttar 132178 Humane Society ofrepparttar 132179 United States found an interesting connection between child abuse & neglect with pet owners displaying similar characteristics. According to a 1997 survey administered to 50 ofrepparttar 132180 largest shelters for battered women made a discovery that 85 percent of women and 63 percent of children who entered shelters admitted to pet abuse/neglect incidents inrepparttar 132181 family. The Humane Society ofrepparttar 132182 United States advocates awareness to responders to (of family violence or neglect) of this animal abuse/neglect connection to human counterparts.4

Statistically speaking, information provided by multiple child welfare organizations may lend hindsight to an ever-growing epidemic of child abuse and neglect in these United States. Though `hindsight' may be 20/20, it cannot reclaimrepparttar 132183 countless lives lost in cases like that of Bradley McGee. Was his case just a freak oversight or are there multiple cases like his that have received identical inattentiveness?

Based on findings, 4.5 million children were purportedly referred to child welfare services for possible abuse - only 896,000 cases were `substantiated.' Does this mean that over 3 million cases were all completely false? Or are there several more Sheryl Coes who hide when social services pays a visit? Rationally, one would assume after allrepparttar 132184 `substantiated' cases of child abuse and neglect reports, that governmental agencies would meticulously review said statistics and actual representations of abuse/neglect cases. Furthermore, since there are multiple, annual deaths involving child abuse and neglect, it would seem beneficial for child welfare workers to have legal authority to enter a premises with or without notice, and/or permission to review infant or child environment.

Again, I reflect on a preventable death that occurred nearly 20 years ago - Bradley McGee. His life...and death did make a difference, and society cannot allow it to be in vain. If you or someone you know suspects child abuse or neglect, don't stand silent. Don't wait until tomorrow. Tomorrow may be too late. If you are a child welfare worker, remember this story well. It may just meanrepparttar 132185 difference betweenrepparttar 132186 life and death of a child.

For a listing of local state agencies, please visit:

For further reading on Bradley McGee, see:

Braddie's Story

Braddie's Pictures

Forrepparttar 132187 Ones I Left Behind - Painting dedicated to Bradley McGee

Forrepparttar 132188 Ones I Left Behind - Poem dedicated to Bradley McGee

© Florida's Child - Fatal Deception or Social Blindness? by C. Bailey-Lloyd aka. LadyCamelot Public Relations' Director & Staff Writer


* Information regarding Bradley McGee was obtained directly from Ms.Kip Liles and her dedicatory websites (see article above)

1. US Department of Health & Human Services -

2. National Clearing House on Child Abuse & Neglect Information

3. ChildHelp USA® -

4. Animal Cruelty and Family Violence: Makingrepparttar 132189 Connection - The Humane Society ofrepparttar 132190 United States

C. Bailey-Lloyd aka. LadyCamelot Public Relations' Director & Staff Writer

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