Written by AL THOMAS

Continued from page 1
which fund you are buying as long as it is outperforming allrepparttar others. There is one sure way to increase your return and that is not to pay commission. That is called a “load” inrepparttar 103604 industry and it might not show when you buy it, but be charged when you sell. No load funds do as well and better than load funds. Now many funds are adding redemption fees. It is an excess charge of a flat dollar amount to as much as 2% of your sale if you sell before a certain period of time. If their fund is declining they don’t want you to take your money out so they put this additional charge as a way of keeping you in. There is a new group of mutual funds that is called Exchange Traded Funds. There are hundreds of them and they are becomingrepparttar 103605 bane ofrepparttar 103606 traditional mutual funds. These trade like stocks, can be bought or sold duringrepparttar 103607 day with permanent stop loss orders in place. The commission charge at most discount brokers is $15 or less. Their expense ratio runs close to zero so you also save money there. A win, win, win forrepparttar 103608 investor. Mutual funds will discourage investors from buying these only because they don’t want to lose your account. There are many sources of information about ETFs andrepparttar 103609 easiest is . Just type in ETF and you will be inundated with all you need to know. Unless mutual funds stop chasing customers away with high commissions, redemption fees and poor performancerepparttar 103610 ETFs are going to take a large portion ofrepparttar 103611 investor funds.

F*R*E*E investment letter Author of best seller "IF IT DOESN'T GO UP, DON'T BUY IT!" Never lose money in the market. Copyright 2004 Albert W. Thomas All rights reserved. Former 17-year exchange member, floor trader and brokerage company owner.

Real estate portal attacked by hackers

Written by George Barrows

Continued from page 1 started receiving hundreds of letters of dissatisfaction and even containing threats to claimrepparttar corresponding authorities to prevent from spamming again. The team of programmers supporting Real Estate Gates launched a campaign on preventingrepparttar 103603 real threat thatrepparttar 103604 portal faced. Inrepparttar 103605 course ofrepparttar 103606 campaignrepparttar 103607 IP-addresses had been detected andrepparttar 103608 necessary measures taken. Withinrepparttar 103609 framework ofrepparttar 103610 campaign,repparttar 103611 mailer that had been used before was modified and will from now detect any intrusions and quit functioning at once, so that people received no fraudulent letters. regrets about what happened and presents thousands of apologies torepparttar 103612 people who receivedrepparttar 103613 letters and consideredrepparttar 103614 portal to be a spammer. We hope that will never happen again. And even if it does, we will do everything to keep our users, as well as those throughoutrepparttar 103615 internet onrepparttar 103616 safe side. George Barrows Security Service Manager Real Estate Gates ( ) officially announces of the hacker attack...

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