Written by Peter Driscoll

Continued from page 1

An inventory achieves three important things. Firstly it allowsrepparttar removal company to know exactly what is to be taken (especially if you noterepparttar 101673 size of each item). Remember here to include such items as Pianos (that may need three men to move them), Snooker tables and items such as Sit on Lawn Mowers and other fragile, bulky, heavy or strange objects. (We have had to get quotes for Boats, cars, and 48 Fragile Garden Gmomes who were going to Spain). Secondly inrepparttar 101674 event of an insurance claim you can PROVE thatrepparttar 101675 removal company hadrepparttar 101676 items concerned! Thirdly it helps you on unpacking to see where each numbered box should go inrepparttar 101677 new house. Using a simple spread sheet will make this even easier, and of course you can then userepparttar 101678 same sheet to when sorting out your home contents insurance. The inventory itself should be detailed, but not to extremes, one of our customers diligently reported 247 pieces of 'Leggo'!!!

The inventory also allows you to re-assess just what you don't need to take with you. There is after all very little point in transferring from one attic store, boxes of items that have not seenrepparttar 101679 light of day in years to sit in another attic store. Now isrepparttar 101680 time to have that clear out that you always wanted. One client's load constantly changed from an initial 34m3 to 26m3 and then back to 32m3 and was eventually finalised at 28m3. The reason was Mr 'X' was finally persuaded to abandon most ofrepparttar 101681 'Home Gym' that had been purchased in 1996 and never used!

It is however not only load andrepparttar 101682 distance that can affect your quote. Please remember to let any remover know of any problems at either end that could affect delivery or pick up. If you are moving to or from a Flat PLEASE indicate how many flights of stairs have to be negotiated. I recently had a call from an irate remover complaining that althoughrepparttar 101683 flat was a first floor one,repparttar 101684 client had 'forgotten' to say that there were six flights of stairs to get torepparttar 101685 first floor!!! You guessed it,repparttar 101686 price went up andrepparttar 101687 last thing any one wants is a debate about prices onrepparttar 101688 day ofrepparttar 101689 move. Please also consider things such as narrow roads (or even 'no roads') at either end. Some large lorries do not act like 4X4s!! It is also as well to check if there any overhanging trees that could prevent lorries passing underneath, although there is one company that we use that always carries a chain saw with them' just in case!

Peter Driscoll of European Transport Brokers ( has moved many times in his life and has many tips to offer on how to make the move go smoothly

How to Get Promoted - Take control of your destiny!

Written by Frank F. Lunn

Continued from page 1

Do More Than Expected Your goal is to make yourself indispensable. You promote yourself through actions and attitudes and ultimately separate yourself fromrepparttar crowd waiting forrepparttar 101672 arrival ofrepparttar 101673 S.S. Entitlement.

Separate Yourself From The Crowd •Take initiative. A person with strong personal initiative is basically a leader of self. The mass of people wait for circumstances.

•Be a catalyst. One motivated individual is yeast that can leaven an entire loaf. It requires vision, initiative, patience, respect, persistence, courage and faith to berepparttar 101674 yeast.

•Take on more work and look for ways to build value in your organization through becoming a problem solver.

•Take on projects that challenge and teach you new skills, so you grow in value in your current or future organizations.

•Find opportunities to do things better and more efficiently than it has been done before.

•To get paid more, provide more service followingrepparttar 101675 law of harvest – sow and reap.

•Work hard. Great success comes from hard work directed toward a clearly-defined goal. The harder you work,repparttar 101676 “luckier” you will likely be.

Sometimes this means coming in early and staying late. It may mean doing what is asked torepparttar 101677 best of your ability, then doing more. When these things are done with enthusiasm and a positive attitude, it creates separation fromrepparttar 101678 crowd and can lead to that promotion you’ve been working towards.

“The best way to predictrepparttar 101679 future is to CREATE IT!” -Peter F. Drucker

This is an excerpt from Frank F. Lunn’s book Stack The Logs! Building a Success Framework to Reach Your Dreams. This live-your-life-by-design book is part ofrepparttar 101680 Empowerment series published by Kahuna Business Group. Click here to order and start livingrepparttar 101681 life you desire…and deserve.

To learn more aboutrepparttar 101682 STACK Strategy or to take control of your life…purchase Stackrepparttar 101683 Logs! visit or email One-tenth ofrepparttar 101684 selling price of $19.95 will be donated to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital to furtherrepparttar 101685 work of: “Finding cures. Saving children.”

Frank F. Lunn is an expert in leadership, marketing, and small business entrepreneurship. A former military officer and Gulf War veteran, Lunn is the founder of the Kahuna Business Group, a $20 million annual company. Lunn is the author of STACK THE LOGS!: Building a Success Framework to Reach Your Dreams, pledging to donate 10 percent of all sales to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, where his son’s life was saved.

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