MLM Training - Creating an Explosive Start with Your New MLM Distributor

Written by Doug Firebaugh

Continued from page 1

10.Prospect List/Memory Jogger.

Make a list ofrepparttar first 10 peoplerepparttar 146707 new distributor will call. This is their HOT market.Then make a list ofrepparttar 146708 next 25 they will call. This isrepparttar 146709 start of their warm market list. That is a good number to start with, and it won't overwhelm them. Eventually, you will come up with at least with 150 names with them.

11.Introduce 3-way Calling.

Make sure they have 3 way calling on their phone. And then show them how to do a 3 way with you. They must learn to MASTERrepparttar 146710 3 way call to master Success in MLM.

l2.Schedule First 3 PBR’s.

In Home Meetings are a great way to launch a new business. A PBR is a Private Business Reception. Plan on invitingrepparttar 146711 new person's warm market to an In Home Celebration of their new business, and hold 3 of them withinrepparttar 146712 next 45 days. Send out invitations ofrepparttar 146713 first PBR 72 hours after this meeting.

13.Schedule to Attend next 3 Local Events.

When arerepparttar 146714 next local training and special events? Schedule them to be there to learn, and also to bring friends to these events.

14. Goals and Dreams.

What arerepparttar 146715 first 7 day goals? What arerepparttar 146716 first 30 day goals? How many sales will be achieved? How many new distributors will be recruited? What volume isrepparttar 146717 target? How many hours a week willrepparttar 146718 new person work and wehn are they? And complete their "Golden Dozen List." This is a list ofrepparttar 146719 12 things thatrepparttar 146720 new person wants their new business to bring into their life that is not currently there. Is it a new home? A new car? Write downrepparttar 146721 "WHY" that they are doing Network Marketing, and what they want Network Marketing to change in their life.

15. What things will discouragerepparttar 146722 new distributor enough to make them want to leaverepparttar 146723 business? (THIS ONE IS IMPERATIVE TO COVER!)

Find these out, as you need to know this so you can helprepparttar 146724 new distributor get through them if they should show up. These arerepparttar 146725 "Success Landmines" that you need to locate and leadrepparttar 146726 new distributor around.

These arerepparttar 146727 things you initially need to getrepparttar 146728 new distributor off to an Explosive start. List them in a checklist to make sure you cover them. Encourage constantlyrepparttar 146729 new distributor, and pour into them at this meeting your confidence in them. Create an EXPLOSIVE start by following these steps to Massive Success in MLM and Network Marketing.


Schedulerepparttar 146730 first 10 warm market phone calls with them. Put down in your planner when this will take place, and then plan on startingrepparttar 146731 phone call session with them. Preferrably this takes place within 24 hours ofrepparttar 146732 Kick Off Meeting.


PassionFire Intl

MLM Success Training

(c) 2005/ all rights reserved

Doug Firebaugh is one of the top MLM Network Marketing Trainers in the world. Over a million people a month read his training ezine. He spent the last 7 years traveling the world speaking and training on Success. He lives in Birmingham Michigan, and you can receive a FREE subscription to his training ezine- The MLM Success HEAT- at:

Network Marketing Success- The Success Power Boost for Your MLM Business

Written by Doug Firebaugh

Continued from page 1

Decision changes everything in Success and Network Marketing. It changes and enlarges allrepparttar ingredients in your Success Pursuit including:

1) Your Energy and Confidence. 2) Your Body Language. 3) Your Tone in Your Voice. 4) The Look in Your Eye. 5) The Determination in Your heart. 6) Your Presence you carry. 7) How people respond to you.

How people respond to you can dramatically change when you engage a Decision to Succeed massively in your Business. They will be more attracted to your offer, asrepparttar 146567 new set of "Power Boost" ingredients will be felt and heard, and people are attracted to listen to people who know where they are going and who KNOW THEY WILL GET THERE.

Do you?

Have you made a "Power Boost" Decision to Succeed in your business, or have you just made a choice to "try this business?" Decision will act like an engine cleaner, and will flush out all that has been slowing you down, as your Decision is focused on what YOU decide, not what others are saying cannot be done.

DECIDE TODAY. If you want to truly Succeed in your MLM Home Business, then you need to make a Decision ofrepparttar 146568 Heart, not a choice ofrepparttar 146569 mind.

"I WILL Succeed at my business, because today, I have decided, that I will not be denied."

This one statement can radically change how people respond to you, how people perceive you, and how people follow you. Your Presence and Tone in your voice will change and become one of strength, not weakness. This will be Magnetic to prospects. People have a tendency to be attracted to and follow people who have Decided to Succeed, not just try something to see what happens.

Where are you with this? Plug your business intorepparttar 146570 Incredible Power of Decision and clean out your MLM Success Fuel lines. When you so this, you may be sayingrepparttar 146571 same words and doingrepparttar 146572 same presentation, butrepparttar 146573 prospect will hear a radically different message with a radically different Power that is totally MAGNETIC!

Blessings…..Doug Firebaugh PassionFire Intl MLM Success Training

Network Marketing Success © PFI 2005/ all rights reserved

You may reproduce with copyright notice attached

Doug Firebaugh is one of the top MLM Network Marketing Trainers in the world. Over a million people a month read his training ezine. He spent the last 7 years traveling the world speaking and training on Success. He lives in Birmingham Michigan, and you can receive aFREE subscription to his training ezine- The MLM Success HEAT- at:

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