MLM Recruiting- The 5 Types of Network Marketing Recruiters

Written by Doug Firebaugh

Continued from page 1

4) "The Beaver."

These arerepparttar folks that are teachable, and are eager to work and are excited aboutrepparttar 150961 business. They have a great work ethic, and a great mental focus, and they are into one thing:


They are into Network marketing to BUILD and build more. They like to build DAMS.

DAMS are what create success in MLM.

The DAM of Belief.

The DAM of Action.

The DAM of Results.

The DAM of Consistency.

The DAM of Prospects.

You know what DAM stands for?

"Doing All Methodically."

And that is what they do. ALL. Everything. What ever it takes, and they do it Methodically, step by step, daily, and never give up. They prospect, contact, present, follow up, getrepparttar 150962 decision, and train DAILY!

Untiil they have built a DAM and reservoir of SUCCESS!

5) "The Eagle."

The Eagle is a recruiter that is in a class all by themselves.

They soar aboverepparttar 150963 crowd when it comes to recruiting, and they are sharp and focused in their efforts. They are totally professional, and have great Leadership skills. They are sharp in many ways and have great communication and building skills.

They recruit from a "what is best for you. Not best for me" standpoint, and always putsrepparttar 150964 prospect first and foremost.

The eagle knows whom they want to recruit, and doesn't bother with anybody else.

Eagles look for other Eagles, or those who aspire to be.

Eagles search out forrepparttar 150965 BEST in people, and then when they find it, they know they have something to build on, and to recruit.

Eagles are head and shoulders above most in recruiting in their actions, consistency, attitudes, and work ethic.


Where are you inrepparttar 150966 5 Types of recruiters?

I hope and pray at leastrepparttar 150967 Beaver.


Many a Beaver has grown and evolved into an Eagle over time.

Where are you evolving?

Your answer has just painted a picture of your recruiting destiny inrepparttar 150968 Network Marketing and MLM industry.

Blessings... Doug Firebaugh PassionFire International

(c) 2005/ all rights reserved

Doug Firebaugh is one of the top MLM Network Marketing Trainers in the world. Over a million people a month read his training ezine. He spent the last 7 years traveling the world speaking and training on Success. He lives in Birmingham Michigan, and you can receive a FREE subscription to his training ezine- The MLM Success HEAT- at:

7 Ways & Places To Sponsor New Distributors

Written by Zamri Nanyan

Continued from page 1
company. You could send out news about new product launch or news about your company's activities. Make sure your contact info is posted as well. 4. Use catchy headlines to turn ordinary people into eager, hot prospects every time they ask what you do for a living. Your answer could be "I show people how to pick up an extra paycheck fromrepparttar post box every month, and they don't have to get a second job to do that." Don't know how to create good headlines? This neat software could help you: 5. Use message boards and forums to post interesting messages to attract prospects. Put signature file, which swiftly tells about your opportunity or products, atrepparttar 150864 end of your messages. 6. Run sponsoring competitions. Reward your downline who getrepparttar 150865 highest number of people to joinrepparttar 150866 business orrepparttar 150867 highest number of guests they bring torepparttar 150868 opportunity meetings. 7. Use 'two envelops' method. Ask prospects if they are interested to hear about your opportunity. Give an envelop labeled "INTERESTED" to hot prospects. Give an envelop labeled "UNINTERESTED" torepparttar 150869 not interested prospects. Both envelops could contain your company or business information.

There you have it -repparttar 150870 7 unusual but effective prospecting ideas.

This is just a small list of many other ways to build your business, and they are taken from Tom "Big Al" Schreiter & Art Jonak's 103 Ways & Places To Sponsor New Distributors, 500+ page manual. If you are serious about getting unlimited number of prospects to sponsor, you can get this big manual fromrepparttar 150871 website below. And, how about a preview of 7 more prospecting ideas fromrepparttar 150872 same power-pack manual? Here's where you can get them for free. Happy Networking!

Zamri Nanyan is the Editor and Pubisher of M.L.M Lessons e-course. Get the world's top M.L.M experts' advice delivered to your e-mailbox for FRÉÉ, increase your sign-ups, multiply your income, and be more devastatingly effective with your M.L.M business with secret techniques and power insider information! Visit to subscribe.

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