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When you praise someone, it is planting a seed...Not in that person's heart...but yours....because every time you praise someone in Network marketing, somehow in ways we will never understand, it comes back into your life in
form of increased strength, power, and confidence...
elements needed for MLM success in life...
The seed you planted with words in their heart... takes root in your own....
And a "Praise factory" magnetizes you to MLM Success in ways we will never comprehend...
But it does happen....
Praise has almost a "Force" to it that when engaged, it can bring to your life
things you hunger giving to others what they hunger for....
The Power of PRAISE in MLM.
What does Praise stand for?
Power Releasing And Increasing Success Energy....Did you get that?????
Become a "Praise Factory"...go out of your way 5 times a day to touch someone's heart..and let them feel appreciated..
Power you release in your life by simply doing that small thing....
Will bring some HUGE things back into your own life and Network Marketing business...
You'll find out....
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Doug Firebaugh is one of the top MLM Trainers in the world with over a million people reading his ezines a month. He sent 13 years fulltime in MLM and the last 7 years travelling the globe speaking and training. You can receive a FREE subscription of his ezine at He can be reached at