MCS, Toxic Mold, Sick Building Syndrome, and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Written by Thomas Leo Ogren

Continued from page 1
She then confessed that she had tried to clean up all this mold, several times, using soap and water. Afterwards she had felt even sicker. I suggested that she explain all of this torepparttar landlord, and immediately move out until it was fixed. She did explain it all torepparttar 115097 landlord, but she did not move out. The landlord hired someone who supposedly cleaned it all up but she just got sicker and sicker. One day a few weeks later she called me up again. She was crying and told me that her doctor said that she had MS. The symptoms she was having certainly did seem like multiple sclerosis but I didn’t think that was her problem. As we talked she would lose it, stutter, slur her words, forget what she’d just said. She said that she’d had to take a leave of absence from her job since she just couldn’t work any more. When I asked her what she was doing instead of working, she said she was mostly just lying in her bed. It was about all she could do. “That bedroom,” I told her, “is killing you.” I called her back later and got her husband onrepparttar 115098 phone. He was now starting to feel kind of sick himself. “Look,” I said, a little angry now, “ getrepparttar 115099 hell out of there! Leave that apartment and do it tonight. Pack a few things, go to a motel and check yourselves in. Tomorrow you can tell your landlord what you had to do. If they won’t pay forrepparttar 115100 motel bill, I’ll help you find a lawyer and you can sue him. They moved out ofrepparttar 115101 apartment that night and into a nearby motel room. He took some time off work andrepparttar 115102 two of them just hung out atrepparttar 115103 motel, watching TV, eating in a restaurant aroundrepparttar 115104 corner, and they slept a good deal. The landlord (I think he was finally afraid of a lawsuit) did agree to cover their motel bill while this was being figured out. Onrepparttar 115105 phone I advised her husband that he ought to start looking for a new apartment. He told me that he was starting to feel more “like himself again,” and agreed to look for a different place to live. They stayed atrepparttar 115106 motel for two weeks and byrepparttar 115107 time they moved into their new apartment she too was starting to feel a little better. I insisted that her husband move everything from their old apartment himself. That all their clothes, everything, had to be thoroughly cleaned before he brought it into their next place. I didn’t want her to even walk in that door again, and she didn’t. As I write this now, it has been just over two years since they moved out of that mold spore-ridden apartment. Little by little she started getting better,repparttar 115108 slurring of words stopped,repparttar 115109 disorientation stopped, eventually allrepparttar 115110 symptoms disappeared. Two months after they moved she went back to work. Six months later she felt so good she started taking night classes atrepparttar 115111 local college. They are now both working full time, both are taking advanced computer classes inrepparttar 115112 evenings and they are doing great. There’s been no more talk about her having MS either.

Thomas Ogren is the author of Allergy-Free Gardening. Tom does consulting work on landscaping for the USDA, county asthma coalitions,, and the Canadian and American Lung Associations. He has appeared on HGTV and The Discovery Channel. His book, Safe Sex in the Garden, was published in 2003. In 2004 Time Warner Books published his latest book: What the Experts May NOT Tell You About: Growing the Perfect Lawn. His website:

How much food is really enough?

Written by Darryn Aldridge

Continued from page 1

3. Don’t serve atrepparttar table: I saved myself a lot of grief by taking action on this point. While it is very nice to have a table full of food served in nice dishes, forrepparttar 115096 people coming to terms with their weight, this is a huge no no. The temptation that a table full of food presents to you will tempt evenrepparttar 115097 strongest of wills. Removerepparttar 115098 temptation by making sure that all food is portioned atrepparttar 115099 time of serving inrepparttar 115100 kitchen. You will be more likely to have seconds ifrepparttar 115101 food is sitting onrepparttar 115102 table staring at you, invitingly, than if you have to leaverepparttar 115103 table and go torepparttar 115104 kitchen.

4. Cleaning up: So you’ve done allrepparttar 115105 right things so far and now it is time to clean up after your meal. We are now presented with another brilliant opportunity to overeat again. I love picking at food when I am putting it away. I could actually finish allrepparttar 115106 left overs at this point and not even realize what was happening! Try and get a member of your family to clear away any ofrepparttar 115107 left over food before you tacklerepparttar 115108 dishes, or put leftovers straight inrepparttar 115109 fridge after serving to resist ”dishes overeating”.

Most of these issues surrounding weight gain are just bad habits that have formed overrepparttar 115110 years. Simple steps are often all that are needed to help break these bad habits and form better ones.

All it takes is some self control and desire to getrepparttar 115111 ball rolling towards a more fulfilling and healthier lifestyle.

Darryn Aldridge is the co-author of a step-by-step, "tell it and show it how it is" guide to permanently losing weight and keeping it off forever! Visit his web site at and sign up for a free weekly newsletter,filled with helpful tips and useful information.

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