Written by Gerri D Smith

Continued from page 1

Some sources of strength to develop and keep are: To maintain positive thoughts at all times. Practice seeing yourself as strong and you will be strong. Seek God's guidance and be ready to acceptrepparttar experiences, ideas, and directions when they come to you.

If your life is extra hard for you, be honest with yourself and find out whererepparttar 123714 trouble is.Are you making your life hard? There is always a reason when something in your life does or does not go well. This can be traced to what you've already created in your mind prior to whenrepparttar 123715 situation happens.

When faced with a troubling situation, take control of your thoughts--this influences your attitude. Don't ever let your mind control you. Choose healthy, spiritual, and positive thought patterns that will supply you with unshakable strength.

So create happy thoughts and your problems will be tiny ones.

Gerri D Smith, Publisher and host of an online Personal and Business Improvement network, tailored for women business owners and entrepreneurs. Visit: Mail to:

3 Simple Steps to turn Failure into Success.

Written by Tony Pitwood

Continued from page 1

This is where you repair to your mentor again.

You do not want them to tell you what to do.

It is imperative that you assessrepparttar situation, and look at your alternatives, yourself.

Otherwise, you'll never grow.

But having made your decision, it is quite alright to check it out with someone who's travelled this road - been there - done that - and wearsrepparttar 123713 T-shirt with pride!

"I thought you said these were easy steps," you grumble.

I said "Simple" not "Easy"!!

It is this stage of Reviewing that sorts outrepparttar 123714 Men from repparttar 123715 Boys - orrepparttar 123716 Ladies fromrepparttar 123717 Girls!

Something that is not easy, but essential to growth.

3. Go 4 it - with all you're worth!

When you have donerepparttar 123718 first two steps, this is a piece of cake.

For what you have done is to bring yourself back to where you started from -repparttar 123719 place of Enthusiasm.

Remember how excited you were atrepparttar 123720 beginning when you set out on this journey?

This was It! This was what you had been looking for all your life - your Golden Opportunity - and you were going to grab it with both hands . . .

It's still there - beckoning!

And you're still here - thanks to your having taken these first two steps to pick yourself up, and dust yourself off.

Now you have refreshed vision, renewed zeal, and it is up to you - only you!

Nobody can stop you - you are going to rise torepparttar 123721 top.

And when you fall?


"No problem!" you answer, proudly.

"I'll just follow this Good Advice -

and Get Up, Dust Myself Off, and Get Going Again!"

"However diverse their talents, temperaments and differences, all great achievers have one thing in common; they never bother to compare themselves with others, but are content to run their own race on their own terms."

-- Sydney J. Harris

Resource box:

Tony Pitwood is a motivational writer who inspires the hopeless, encourages the desperate and lifts the fallen who are struggling to start their own home business on the Internet, and are trying to achieve greater financial freedom. Visit his web-site or click here for a free subscription to his newsletter, Flying High.

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