Lynda's triumph Over Epilepsy

Written by Lynda Lee

Continued from page 1

Inrepparttar 1980's my family and I moved to Vancouver Island. It was at this time that I started to see a Naturopath, he helped me to stay alive, and care for my body withrepparttar 113727 use of herbal products, and a healthy diet. Dealing with Epilepsy in my life added a lot of extra stress. Fortunately for me I had been doing Yoga for a number of years, and this helped deal withrepparttar 113728 stress.

When I was in my fifties and living in Kamloops, I had a blackout onrepparttar 113729 main street. I was taken torepparttar 113730 hospital inrepparttar 113731 ambulance and referred to a neurologist. He wasrepparttar 113732 first person to tell me aboutrepparttar 113733 possibilities of having surgery to cure my Epilepsy. He was trying to convince me to takerepparttar 113734 tests, and see if I was a candidate forrepparttar 113735 surgery. He felt that I had a chance to see life as a normal person. I spent years weighingrepparttar 113736 pro's and cons ofrepparttar 113737 surgery. It was very difficult to imagine my life any different, I had lived in a fog for so many years.

In June 2002, I got up inrepparttar 113738 morning to make coffee, while I was standing atrepparttar 113739 sink I blacked out. When I came to, I crawled torepparttar 113740 living room, blacked out again, awoke and blacked out forrepparttar 113741 third time. I was taken to hospital inrepparttar 113742 ambulance. I felt like I had experienced a heart attack. I had bruised my chest when I fell, and all my ribs ached.

I was then convinced to seerepparttar 113743 neurologist, in Vancouver, whererepparttar 113744 surgery called a “Craniotomy” could be done. Beforerepparttar 113745 surgery could be done I had to pass a barrage of tests, I passed them without a problem. I was also given a complete explanation ofrepparttar 113746 surgery. I was warned about possible side effects that I could experience fromrepparttar 113747 surgery. Some ofrepparttar 113748 side effects that could happen when I underwentrepparttar 113749 surgery were, blindness, paralysis, and or a stroke. There was no guarantee thatrepparttar 113750 surgery would be successful . Although I was older, I was givenrepparttar 113751 approval forrepparttar 113752 surgery, they said my good physical condition, played a part in their decision.

Atrepparttar 113753 age of 61 years old I had brain surgery. Fromrepparttar 113754 time I came out of surgery, there were many things I needed to adjust to, I had to learn many simple things all over again, and I needed to learn new skills.( some of these things arerepparttar 113755 simple things that most people take for granted). I needed to adjust to new way of life.

I had to learnrepparttar 113756 difference between night and day, now I sleep when it is dark.

I was to start exercising as soon as possible afterrepparttar 113757 surgery. I was to walk for 20 minutes every day even inrepparttar 113758 rain or snow. The exercise helped getrepparttar 113759 body working again.

I taught myself to manage stress differently, my Yoga is part ofrepparttar 113760 stress management.

I took vitamins and minerals, to help me recover and to clean my body fromrepparttar 113761 side effects, of allrepparttar 113762 drugs I took to preventrepparttar 113763 seizure's.

I seldom rememberrepparttar 113764 difficult times. I walk a lot now, because it is one of my stress releases. I have lost 20 pound. My jean size has dropped from size 12 to size 8. My upper legs were 40 inches around, and now they are 24 inches. I can drive a car, and lead a normal life. If I get upset or angry I can speak my mind with feelings. I'm very confident forrepparttar 113765 first time in my life.

I feel I couldn't have made this wonderful recovery with outrepparttar 113766 help of, my chiropractor, counselor, herbal supplements, Neurosurgeon,repparttar 113767 staff ofrepparttar 113768 brain department of Vancouver General Hospital, and my husband John who suppliedrepparttar 113769 support and security I needed.

These challenges have made me a strong, confident person. My new life is challenging and full of new experiences. I am grateful for this new way of life.

I feel that withoutrepparttar 113770 surgery I might not be alive today. Today I am living forrepparttar 113771 moment. Loving my life is my reward.

Lynda Lee

This story is being submitted by Jane Kriese Would you like to have a Healthy Vibrant Body? To learn more, sign up for Jane's Herbs For Health Newsletter, and receive your free alkalinity testing kit at; _______________________________________

I am the web master for the site,, I love to study, and write articles, about holistic cures for life style diseases. It is exciting to educate people, and watch as they change their life style by, introducing holistic products, and new habits, into their life. Many of these people have healed their bodies. The holistic world is full of hope and joy, and I believe with effort we can have a healthy vibrant body.

How to Select the Finest Power Wheelchair Manufacturer

Written by Maricon Williams

Continued from page 1

It isrepparttar duty ofrepparttar 113726 wheelchair companies to ensure that their products are durable, comfy and effective so that people will buy them. To make this happen, there is a need to make sure that advances are always made. There are a lot of wheelchair manufacturers to select from. They offer their own variations of power wheelchairs. Most are functional, some are exceptional!

Manufacturers make a distinction by giving different levels of comfort and power to their chairs. Chairs are tested beforehand to have an easy and agile mobility when used in bumpy terrain. Nowadays, most ofrepparttar 113727 companies try to achieve equilibrium of allrepparttar 113728 options available and more.

The task of selectingrepparttar 113729 best wheelchair manufacturer can be a hard one. This is especially true when you are unfamiliar withrepparttar 113730 wheelchairs available today. The priority issue to consider is that it should cater to your independent needs. Second,repparttar 113731 company should have outstanding reputation. Third is that they should offer a reasonable warranty length. The latter will untierepparttar 113732 level ofrepparttar 113733 dependability ofrepparttar 113734 power wheelchair.

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