Luck or Providence? (B)Written by Terry Dashner
Continued from page 1
Let’s continue on. What if superior numbers of Persian forces had overcome Greek city states as they were favored to do? Western civilization would have been history of Iran. Who stopped mighty forces of Xerxes against all odds? Only something supernatural could have thwarted Persian masses. In 519-465 BC Xerxes gathered together a very large army and navy to march on Greece—estimated 2.5 million troops. The first major victory of campaign occurred on September 23, 480 BC. The Greeks lured Persian fleet into narrow straits off island of Salamis, outmaneuvered it and destroyed it. Xerxes regrouped over winter and returned following year and met Greeks in battle on Plain of Plataea. Again, as had been case of Marathon and Salamis, an outnumbered Greek force succeeded in outmaneuvering and defeating larger and more powerful Persian army. This marked beginning of end of Persian world rule. This paved way for next conqueror, Alexander Great. The Bible declares over and over again that God brings down one ruler and lifts up another for His purposes. That’s a good thing. To know that God is in control even when things seem out of control is a great feeling. If you can trust Him, He will guide you safely along, even through rough and stormy seas. God does not fail His people. If men will live for Him, He will bless them and serve His purposes through them. They will walk blessed and honored before all men. God is Sovereign. God rules over entire universe. Trust Him. I’ll visit this topic again. In mean time, keep faith. Stay course. Jesus is coming soon. Pastor T. dash

Pastors a small church in Broken Arrow, OK
| | Luck or Providence? (C)Written by Terry Dashner
Continued from page 1
Next on scene of superpowers, was Rome. Rome was alluded to in Book of Daniel as being most terrible of all conquering powers that had come before her. Rome grows from a city on Tiber River to become dominant political force in Italy. And then a world empire. This, too, happened by supernatural guidance. It didn’t happen by luck. The word “Punic” is derived from Latin word Punicus, meaning Carthaginian, which itself is derived form Greek word Phoenix, meaning Phoenician (proof of cultural borrowing and amalgamation of languages). Rome first comes to world dominance by defeating superpower of Mediterranean, Carthage. It will take three wars, but she does it and climbs to world-power status. That’s amazing. It was Roman victory at Battle of Zama in 202 BC which marked beginning of power of Roman Empire that would continue to reign supreme for six centuries. Wow. I will continue this study tomorrow. Remember, you could have been born at any time in history. But, God desired that you live today. What does that mean? You have been raised up by Providence of God to serve Him today. This is a significant time in human history. Jesus is soon to return for His Bride, and you have been reserved for this end time event. That’s an awesome responsibility if you stop and think about it. It says that you should be busy about your Father’s business. You are to occupy ground of faith until He comes. Don’t let Him come and find you sleeping on watch. Arise and tell Good News—Jesus died for all that all men might live in God. Keep faith. Stay course. Jesus is coming soon. Pastor T. dash
