Continued from page 1
Side observation: a chunk of land producing balanced protein from grains and legumes can support about 20 times as many people as
same land producing four legged meats. Oh, and
people getting most of their proteins and calories from plant sources are far less likely to have heart attacks, strokes, cancers, et cetera, than
big meat eaters.
I have written elsewhere that selecting sensible foods means one never has to count calories. I'll go further and say that most carbohydrate restrictions are dumb.
Here are
only carbohydrate restrictions I recommend. • all refined sugars (cane, beet, high fructose corn syrup, sorghum molasses, maple syrup, etc.) • beer in large quantities • anything made from white flour, even if "enriched"
If you have a craving for sweets that you just can't break (which I don't belive), learn how fruits and nuts together can taste very sweet. Also,
unsaturated fat in
nuts (or edible seeds, such as sunflower) will satisfy hunger with no risk to
arteries. My favorite is raisins and almonds, perhaps with some fresh red delicious apple slices.
Pasta, preferably made from whole grains, is healthful, if not served with lots of cheese, oil, sauces which contain oil, sugar, cheese. Noodles with little meat is a main menu item in
Oh, about carbohydrates in potatoes: they are harmless if you don't add butter, margarine, fat from frying, sour cream for topping, and other insults to a great food. People in parts of Central and South America eat little more than potatoes of traditional breeds.
** Diet with FACTS, not MYTHS. **

Dr. Donald A. Miller is author of "Easy Health Diet", "Easy Exercise All Ages", and numerous free articles on health Seven of ten deaths are caused by preventable diseases.