Love is Good!

Written by Frances Evelyn Mison

Continued from page 1
Though! That Love is Good! The Sadness has Passed at Last! With this New Love that we have. So Shall we say Just for Today. That Love is Good!

I am a new author and poet. I would love to make writing my career, and actually receive some money, for doing what I love to do-"Write"


Written by Hifzur Rehman

Continued from page 1

I suffered a massive heart attack in March last year while working in my office. An ambulance took me torepparttar hospital in a critical condition. After a few hours, I was back to life (though inrepparttar 123354 ICU with lot of heart monitoring devices attached to my body). Believe me, that wasrepparttar 123355 most happy moment of my life when I realized that I was alive! The joy and happiness of being alive, eliminatedrepparttar 123356 pain which I was suffering and helped me in quick recovery.

Being alive itself is a matter of joy, excitement and happiness. Wyile you are alive you can do a lot to bring happiness into your life. Butrepparttar 123357 "true happiness" will come to your life only when you will also try to bring happiness intorepparttar 123358 lives of other people. If agree, then please join hands with me in spreadingrepparttar 123359 message of happiness to as many people as possible by referring this article to your friends, family and colleagues. Also help and motivate them in devising and implementing an Agenda of Happiness.

Let all living men, women and children declare 2004 asrepparttar 123360 YEAR OF HAPPINESS.

Hifzur Rehman is the author of popular articles on self improvement. He is also the editor of his website which is a source of great inspiration for all those people who want to live a happy, healthy and successful life. A visit to his website would open the doors of success for you. Hifzur Rehman (c) 2004 - All Rights Reserved.

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