Love Your Irate Customers

Written by Armand Melanson

Continued from page 1
front ofrepparttar screen. They remain hidden behind until you start to shut down. Get a new profession." John Doe My 1st instinct was to tell John Doe to get bent. But I didn't. I instead sent him an article on how popups can generate significant revenue for a website. I also sent him some info onrepparttar 121271 benefits of my e-marketing "how to" product. Remember this guy had just been to my site & was not only not interested in buying, but he went out of his way to tell me that I was an idiot (in so many words). Here's his next email: "Armand, as you know, I wasrepparttar 121272 jerk that wrote you a note telling you that I did not buy from sites that used pop-ups. Whoops!!!! After your personal email back to me with allrepparttar 121273 information as to why I should, and also your convincing money back guarantee, you had convinced me I had nothing to loose! I bought. Then paypal didn't get my order to you correctly, and 24 hours later, I fired off another email, which again, got me a personal reply. Well, to make a long story short, I've learned more in one evening with your material, found more suppliers that interested me, and am convinced that anyone would nuts not to buy your information. I too have been searchingrepparttar 121274 internet for about three years, and am convinced that if I can't make my share ofrepparttar 121275 bucks with this info, it can't be done. Thanks forrepparttar 121276 personal attention to all my needs!" John Doe So from an initially negative situation, I got 2 positive outcomes: 1) I made a sale 2) I got a killer testimonial for my website So when your customers (potential customers) start heavingrepparttar 121277 lemons your way, send them back glasses of fresh lemonade. It may do more good than you think...

Armand Melanson is an emarketing consultant & author. For free marketing tips & articles you can re-use, visit him at

Explode Your Opt-in Subscriber Base!!!

Written by Armand Melanson

Continued from page 1
to type in an email address on a standard popup form. That's why this concept is radical - it is a total departure from repparttar traditional approach & it's much more effective at getting prospects to sign-up for your newsletter. So let's get underrepparttar 121270 hood & see how this works. You don't need to use cookies for controlling popups, but you should use them. Otherwise you will be popping up every time someone refreshesrepparttar 121271 page. Goto to see this in action again with onlyrepparttar 121272 bare bones code required to do it. The cookie code is standard & can be found at any JScript site. The form code is simple & just tells your mail client to send an email to my autoresponder. You can use this exact same code to do this at your own website. Make repparttar 121273 following changes though: *** (confirm("put your text here"))*** place your text inrepparttar 121274 quoted area - this is what will appear inrepparttar 121275 popup. ('n' isrepparttar 121276 newline character which tells JScript to place text onrepparttar 121277 next line)


*** place you autoresponder email after "mailto:"

THIS IS WAY TOO COMPLICATED!!!! You can use this as is, so you don't really need to change much. If you know someone who knows a little about web programming, ask them for help. If you still can't get it to work, go to and see how I can set it up for you.

---------------------------------------------------- ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Armand Melanson is an emarketing consultant & author. For free marketing tips & articles you can re-use, visit him at ----------------------------------------------------

Armand Melanson is an emarketing consultant & author. For free marketing tips & articles you can re-use, visit him at

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