Love Magic: How to Attract Your Perfect Partner for Passion, Profession or Play

Written by Keith Varnum

Continued from page 1

Reality: Real love and freedom go hand in hand. In a soulmate connection based onrepparttar optimal spiritual evolution of each party, you can maintain personal freedom while opening to profound intimacy. Give your commitment and trust torepparttar 130765 spirit, rather thanrepparttar 130766 form, ofrepparttar 130767 relationship. Sometimes lack of communication isrepparttar 130768 culprit, if you view a partnership as bondage. Identifyrepparttar 130769 amount of space you need to be happy in a relationship and learn how to communicate your desire to your partner.

Myth No.10 - Because of "Original Sin," I don't deserve love.

Reality: Original Sin was actually only an Original Misunderstanding. The so-called Original Sin we committed was that we thought we were separate from God. Turns out we 're not. The Good News is that we were wrong. There is no bad news.

Myth No.11 - Relationships take time, energy, effort and hard work.

Reality: The only work involved is keeping love away. We spend countless hours and effort successfully dodging love at every point of contact in our lives. Every encounter with another human being is an opportunity to receive love-inrepparttar 130770 form of kindness, generosity, a warm handshake or a shared laugh. Right relationships give you energy. Lousy relationships drain your energy.

Myth No.12 - If I open my heart, my partner can hurt my feelings. Love = Pain.

Reality: Other people cannot hurt our feelings; they can only trigger feelings that are already hurt within us. The hurt feelings are already present in our consciousness-in our past, our personality, our programming. In truth, your partner is doing you a big favor by bringing up a wound, a sore spot, within a loving context-forrepparttar 130771 purpose of healing and releasing it. It's not possible to avoid hurt feelings in life or a relationship. But you can userepparttar 130772 support of real love to moverepparttar 130773 hurt feelings up and out.

Myth No.13 - Another person can "fillrepparttar 130774 hole" we feel inside.

Reality: Temporarily at best! Only you can permanently "fulfillrepparttar 130775 whole" within yourself. Helpfully, for a while, a partner can remind you of what it feels like to feel loved and whole. Then if you surf that wave of connection, you can arrive atrepparttar 130776 shore of lasting self-love.

Myth No.14 - It's best to hide your Shadow fromrepparttar 130777 other person.

Reality: It's best to reveal your weaknesses and faults as soon as possible. It's not called "in-to-me-see" for nothing. There's no way to get close to someone and not have your whole self eventually revealed. Learn to dance with your Dark Side. Learn to love everything about your unique self-the whole enchilada, warts and all. The American Plains Indians revealed their worst deficiencies and flaws on their warrior shields. They knew that acknowledgingrepparttar 130778 truth of our shortcomings gives us strength. Full self-acceptance is our greatest asset.

Myth No.15 - If I just loose weight, I'll attractrepparttar 130779 lover of my dreams.

Reality: Weight has nothing to do with exercise, genes, diet or how much we eat. Maintaining our perfect body weight is a direct function ofrepparttar 130780 free flow of love in our lives. Weight has everything to do with our beliefs about exercise, genes, diet or how much we eat. And our beliefs about exercise, genes, diet or how much we eat are a direct result of our willingness to have love flow freely in our lives.

Myth: No.16 - I'm afraid of rejection or abandonment.

Reality: Spreadrepparttar 130781 heartening news: We cannot be rejected by another person unless we have rejected ourselves first. We leave love-love never leaves us. This is a good thing. It means we are inrepparttar 130782 driver's seat. It means we can open-and keep open-the door to love anytime we choose. Find a way to move into more self-acceptance and your days of rejection and abandonment are history.

Myth No.17 - Relationships are made on Earth.

Reality: Relationship are made in Heaven. Embrace love for what it truly is: a mystical sacrament and a sensual communion. Align your description of your Earthly Dream Partner withrepparttar 130783 design of your soulmate agreement, and you will find your Heavenly babe TODAY!

Myth No.18 - I need to marry-or get a formal commitment-from my partner to keep them around.

Reality: "Things which go together naturally need not be tied." - Lao Tzu, Chinese sage

Want to know more aboutrepparttar 130784 reality of real love that awaits you? Contact "The Love Doctor'" Keith Varnum at 800.736.7367, or, for your Free Love Analysis.

Drawing from the wisdom of native and ancient spiritual traditions, Keith Varnum shares his 30 years of practical success as an author, personal coach, acupuncturist, filmmaker, radio host, restaurateur, vision quest guide and international seminar leader (The Dream Workshops). Keith helps people get the love, money and health they want with his FREE “Prosperity Ezine” at

Live In The Moment? How Do You Do THAT?

Written by Helaine Iris

Continued from page 1

Now, let this be said, I’m not saying planning’s a bad thing, or dreaming for that matter. But it doesn’t escape my notice that a lot ofrepparttar future “projecting” I do isn’t peaceful. My teacher and friend Byron Katie is famous for saying “if you want fear on purpose, get a future, if you want shame, get a past.

How are you doing with staying inrepparttar 130763 present moment?

Here are some tips I’ve learned that help me stay a bit longer inrepparttar 130764 present moment.

1. When you find yourself imagining fearful scenarios ask yourself, “Is thisrepparttar 130765 only possibility?” Search for what else could be true, rather than what you fear.

2. Remind yourself that worrying aboutrepparttar 130766 future or regrettingrepparttar 130767 past isn’t going to change what has or is going to happen.

3. Do you have a fundamental trust that whatever happens you’re going to be ok? Can you find times from your past that serve as evidence that this is true? If so, draw on that experience.

4. Are your basic needs met, does your life work? Often we move intorepparttar 130768 future because we think it will be better there. Consider addressing what ever is not in balance so it will become desirable to be more inrepparttar 130769 now.

5. Practicerepparttar 130770 power ofrepparttar 130771 present. Focus on something positive or beautiful right here and now and breathe it in. Let yourself fully feel it.

6. Then, be willing to let go of that too and move on torepparttar 130772 next moment.

After our invigorating conversation my friend and I walked torepparttar 130773 waters edge to experiencerepparttar 130774 ocean. We both gasped whenrepparttar 130775 chill ofrepparttar 130776 water hit our bare feet. We laughed and looked at each other and both expressedrepparttar 130777 joy of being able to sharerepparttar 130778 moment.

It’s YOUR life…imaginerepparttar 130779 possibilities!

Helaine Iris is a certified Life Coach, writer and teacher that loves her life. For a solution focused complimentary session visit her website or call her 603-357-8546 or email her

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