Love At Home

Written by Rhoberta Shaler, PhD

Continued from page 1

You know how much simpler it is so say "I love you" than to act "I love you". What could ever berepparttar reason for not using simple manners with your family? Why would you give up saying, 'Thank you' whenrepparttar 111645 simplest things are done for you? Are you not thankful? Do you simply expect that you should be considered, taken care of, or done for? That'srepparttar 111646 beginning ofrepparttar 111647 end of love...and, maybe,repparttar 111648 relationship as well.

No matter how many times a person says they love you, believe their behaviour. Behaviour over time tellsrepparttar 111649 truth. If someone whispers, 'I love you', it is simply pleasant noise unless their behaviour screamsrepparttar 111650 same message daily!

Make this Valentine's Dayrepparttar 111651 renewal of your love and let it come with a secret unspoken promise: Every day, my loved ones will feel loved by my words and actions.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Rhoberta Shaler, PhD, Motivational Keynote Speaker, Corporate TeamBuilder and Executive Coach from San Diego, CA, is the creator of The Consociate Way™: Promoting Performance & Peace in Your Workplace. Call Rhoberta at 1.877.728.6464 or email at Visit: for further information and free ezines.

Just a Little Willingness to Love...

Written by Rhoberta Shaler, PhD

Continued from page 1

Love also looks a lot like time. When we say we love someone, or, for that matter, that we love to do something,repparttar proof is often inrepparttar 111644 time we spend withrepparttar 111645 person orrepparttar 111646 time we spend doingrepparttar 111647 activity, isn't it? When I was seeing many couples in my counselling practice, I would often hearrepparttar 111648 pain as one partner expressed their loneliness, saying, "You do not spend time with me." The demonstration of love means spending time with those you say you love, doesn't it? We've all seen or heard stories about parents who were too busy and missed their children's childhoods. Regretting it later is not nearly as effective as doing it now!

Remember, too, that you cannot give a gift you do not have. Be loving to yourself. Spend time with yourself. Know what you enjoy and do it! It is also important to have good communication skills so that you can communicate to others clearly when you think they are being unloving to you. I think it is unloving to allow others to be unloving to you. We are responsible for teaching people how to treat us! If you do not say anything, you are telling them it is all right with you.

IMPORTANT: If love makesrepparttar 111649 world go round, we'd better do our bit becauserepparttar 111650 world is turning at 2,000 miles per hour, and we'd get quite a jolt if it stopped.

Rhoberta Shaler, PhD, Motivational Keynote Speaker, Corporate TeamBuilder and Executive Coach from San Diego, CA, is the creator of The Consociate Way™: Promoting Performance & Peace in Your Workplace. Call Rhoberta at 1.877.728.6464 or email at Visit: for further information and free ezines.

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