Lost in 'cyberspace?'

Written by Mike Linley

Continued from page 1

But, you must start somewhere andrepparttar beginning is always a pretty good place. Find a program that fits you personally. Don’t fall for allrepparttar 102946 hype about how rich you will become in months, weeks or days. If you have been searching for opportunities you will have come across allrepparttar 102947 hollow promises, this is where you must take care, many ‘marketers’ out there just want your money and will not take any interest in helping you realise your goals. This isrepparttar 102948 difference between Internet cowboy scams and genuine people running honest businesses who sincerely have your interests at heart.

The Internet has become a very personal experience, this probably explains whyrepparttar 102949 Big Gun .com businesses crashed out all together a few years back, they believed online and offline businesses could be run onrepparttar 102950 same terms. Wrong! It has been proven over and again thatrepparttar 102951 way to Internet success is to help others achieve their dreams. Follow that road andrepparttar 102952 money will follow you.

Surelyrepparttar 102953 most satisfying job inrepparttar 102954 world must be getting paid to help others after all; this isrepparttar 102955 basics of human nature andrepparttar 102956 complete opposite of selfishness. If you want to succeed you must learnrepparttar 102957 basics, what works and what doesn’t work. As I already mentioned; do not quit! Persist and you will get there.

The author Mike Linley became totally disillusioned with working the rat race and realised the only way forward was an online business. To receive the authors Newsletter just send an email to; worldmoneymarket.com@getresponse.com

Sinusitis : Sinus Infection Deals a Corporate KO

Written by Joe Miller

Continued from page 1
and sinus infection. The affect is similar to those suffering from sinus allergies in that about one-third of affected employees feel that these sinus problems make them less effective at work. That is a costly corporate hit.

Symptoms of Sinus Infection and Sinusitis

Corporations should keep their guard up, other wise one sniff could turn out to be a fatal financial blow. Here are symptoms to be mindful of:

  • Signs of congestion (sniffing, nose-blowing)
  • Soreness anywhere inrepparttar head, includingrepparttar 102945 face and neck
  • Sneezing, ear ache, throat pain, coughing
  • Headaches
  • General fatigue, weakness, soreness

8 Tips to Preventing a Corporate KO.

You may not be surprised that these preventions are simpler and cheaper than just letting sinus infection and sinusitis take their course in your office.

  1. Stock Up. Giverepparttar 102946 admins a small stock of decongestants and pain relievers to keeprepparttar 102947 employees free from symptoms while atrepparttar 102948 office - make sure they are daytime medicines.
  2. Cover a Prescription Plan. Invest in a good health plan that provides for doctor’s visits and prescriptions. Prescriptions cost a lot less than more serious treatment.
  3. Keep it Clean. Regular cleaning of carpets and fabric chairs in addition to all surfaces (keyboards, counters and rails, desks, etc) will save money inrepparttar 102949 long run. You’d be surprised how many sinus infection and sinusitis attacks occur because of dust, mold, and colds from office bacteria.
  4. Drink Up. Water, that is. Employees are going to be able to flush out normal bacteria when drinking water.
  5. Party Alcohol-free. Sinus infection and sinusitis often develops from irritation when alcohol is consumed, even at work parties or functions.
  6. Designate an Outdoor Smoking Area. Not only will smoke stick to everything indoors, irritatingrepparttar 102950 nasal cavities, but keeping an area outdoors will also centralizerepparttar 102951 smoke.
  7. Invest in Air Conditioning, Air Filters, or Humidifiers. Spending money getting air regulation is cheaper than spending lots of money on a sick office of people.
  8. Encourage Frequent Hand Washing. You don’t want bacteria to spread all ever your office like a forest fire. Clean hands make a happy office.

Now you can erase $5.8 billion from your debit column.

Joe Miller is specialist in online advertising. For more information on sinus infection or sinusitis, please visit Xlear.com.

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