Lose Weight and Exercise Now – Or face the Music Later!

Written by Greg Ryan

Continued from page 1

If you need to go get a check up, do it. Not knowing about your health is worse than gettingrepparttar facts. If you need to ask for help, then do it. Two good heads working together are better than one bad heart.

In my father’s eyes

“If only I had known this was going to happen to me?” That’s what my father said to me last year inrepparttar 150369 hospital room after suffering a heart attack. The man who showed no fear, never sweat under pressure or complained about anything, laid before me scared as a little boy who just lost his mother in a grocery store. “If only I had known, I would have taken my blood pressure medicine. I would have eaten less fried stuff, and I would have walked a little more,” he whispered.

Denial, Pride and Laziness almost gotrepparttar 150370 best of my father that day, yet he lived. He was lucky. The next time he may not be. Next time YOU may not be!

In a Nut Shell:

Life sometimes has a way of giving us slight hints or sometimes shocking wake-up calls. The question is, “Will you answerrepparttar 150371 call?” Would your life be any different if you knew whatrepparttar 150372 future held? Most of us would say it would be. The truth is in that old saying, “We really are not promised tomorrow.”

You may not be able to change when you will die, but you sure can change how you feel each day through daily exercise and eatingrepparttar 150373 right foods. What would your life be like if you felt better, had more energy and lowered your stress levels? Can you imagine?

If you had to choose which one would motivate you more to exercise--truth orrepparttar 150374 consequences--which one would you, choose? Most would say it would have to berepparttar 150375 consequences. No one wants bad things to happen to their health. No one wants to payrepparttar 150376 price for his or her bad decision, right?

“Are you going to let Denial, Pride, and Laziness keep their grip on you?” There are no guarantees that exercise and eating will prolong death or ward off a disease. However, there is a good chance they can give you a better quality of life? No doubt our health as a whole will get worse before it gets better, but it does not have to be that way for you.

The bottom line is: denying your health is a losing cause; entertaining pride is a waste of energy; and being lazy is no excuse for anything.

Greg Ryan is a high profile fitness expert and former employee of Kathy Smiths. Body building champion, public speaker and personal trainer to the stars. He is a best selling author of the Changing from the INSIDE OUT through real behavior change, smart eating and effective exercising. Start getting in better shape today! For FREE MINI COURES click here www.resolutions.bz

Weight Loss and Dieting Secret #1 – IN and OUT

Written by Greg Ryan - High Profile Fitness Expert

Continued from page 1


This may sound like common sense, but with our busy lifestyles, pre-planning meals in advance is far from simple. However, pre-planning is essential.

For most of us all we can do to just keep up withrepparttar day’s activities, much less cook in advance. It really boils down to time management. If you have good choices inrepparttar 150368 refrigerator, you will be more likely to eat that food. When healthy foods are unavailable, you will go out of your way torepparttar 150369 pantry, pizza parlor, or fast food restaurant for immediate gratification.

In a nut shell:

Eating right has a lot to do with how you look at food, how much you eat and what you eat. Recognize if you have eating patterns. The patterns may be lifestyle, emotional, physically related or allrepparttar 150370 above. Pre-planning meals and shopping ahead solves a lot ofrepparttar 150371 poor decision making. Learn to push yourself away fromrepparttar 150372 table. YOU WILL EAT TOMORROW!

Fromrepparttar 150373 suggestion box:

If you have excessive eating habits, they may be emotionally related. Figure out your bad habits and counteract them.

Pre-planrepparttar 150374 week, if possible. You’ll make better choices if you have better choices from which to choose.

Food journal twice a month with times, types and amounts of food eaten.

Snacking throughoutrepparttar 150375 day helps overeating.

Eat until comfortable – you will eat tomorrow.

Eat with your opposite hand.

Sit while you are eating.

Proper - Planning - Prevents – Poor - Performance!

START LOSING WEIGHT THE RIGHT WAY FOR GOOD TODAY! FREE MINI COURSE click here www.resolutions.bz Discover the common sense way to lose weight with out dieting that the doctor’s DON’T want you to know. Greg Ryan is a best selling author, former employee of Kathy Smith, and high profile fitness expert.

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