Loosing The Helm

Written by Peter Vermeeren

Continued from page 1

This isrepparttar typical reaction ofrepparttar 105726 modern, rationalizing western mind. We have to be able to explain everything, and make it fit our way of doing and seeing things. Because we lost our spiritual foundation we are afraid of what might be out there surrounding us. Thus we end up putting people in mental institutions, convert them to our religions, or even kill them. (Rememberrepparttar 105727 witch hunts in England orrepparttar 105728 Spanish Inquisition)

But now I ask you; Do you feelrepparttar 105729 cells in your body growing and dying? Do you feelrepparttar 105730 blood in your veins? Do you feel your thoughts running through your brain? I don’t think you do, do you? But this doesn’t mean that they don’t exist. It only means that we are not sensitive enough to feel these things.

Where our ancestors could experience and connect withrepparttar 105731 spiritual world, we have instead lost this ability, as it has been sacrificed onrepparttar 105732 altar of money, power, lust, hate and envy.

Let’s assume forrepparttar 105733 sake of discussion that there is such a thing as a spiritual world. Is there a need to be connected with this spiritual world? Just take a look around you, look atrepparttar 105734 news on TV, readrepparttar 105735 newspapers, visitrepparttar 105736 prisons in your state or look atrepparttar 105737 homeless onrepparttar 105738 streets. Can it get any worse? My answer is yes. If we don’t find back to our spiritual roots, and let us be guided by its wisdom, I think it can.

While we lose this spiritual connection,repparttar 105739 beast within us will only grow and slowly gain strength until we turn into empty shells with dead and staring eyes, always hungry, wanting to satisfy our most base instincts. We becomerepparttar 105740 living dead;repparttar 105741 nazgul ofrepparttar 105742 21st century. Finally, we end up like human animals without compassion, love or kindness, etc… To return to our first question, is there a need to be spiritually connected? I have to say yes. I think it is ofrepparttar 105743 utmost importance if we don’t want to turn our paradise, this earth, into a toxic waste belt swarmed by creatures that were once human beings. But how can we do this? How can we get back in touch with our spiritual selves? First and most importantly is to know why you are here on earth. What is your purpose, your mission? I found mine through a spiritual revelation 7 years ago. My mission is to guide others throughrepparttar 105744 practise and teaching of a very special martial art. But my mission is not yours. You have to find yours yourself and a big step intorepparttar 105745 right direction is going back to our paradise, nature. Feel, enjoy and connect again withrepparttar 105746 living creatures that surround you on your trips into nature with its joys and wonders. Eventually, they will guide you intorepparttar 105747 right direction and you will find your personal mission.

In your daily life, try to be like a flower. A flower doesn’t choose to whom she is going to give her beauty or smell. She doesn’t reserve it forrepparttar 105748 rich andrepparttar 105749 famous. She shares it with all, expecting nothing in return. Try to be like this: give to others your kindness, love and compassion. Help those around you to rediscover their spiritual selves.

Live your life according torepparttar 105750 principles of Chudo,repparttar 105751 middle way. Not falling into excesses and always maintaining a healthy balance between our physical, mental and spiritual needs. Don’t let one of them starve. Give every part what it needs, food for our body, education and knowledge to our mind, love to our spirit and soul.

Peter Vermeeren is the chief instructor of the Genbukan Ninpo Bugei and KJJR in Spain and is training and teaching martial arts since 1974. He is a personal student of grandmaster Tanemura. You can contact him through his personal site www.takaharudojo.org or through the federations site www.genbukan-ninpo-bugei.com

8 Penny Stocks To Avoid

Written by Peter Leeds

Continued from page 1

Sinking Ships - When a stock has dropped a lot you may think that, "it can’t go any lower," or that it is "a good bargain." Especially with penny stocks, you need to avoid this type of thinking because many sinking ships don’t ever rebound, and they can go lower, and they aren’t good bargains just because they cost less than before.

Commission Free - If you are interested in getting stock commission free you may think you are saving money, but it generally means that you are buying overrepparttar counter stock directly from a promoter orrepparttar 105725 company.

Either way, they take their own invisible ‘commission’ from you, either by selling to you for an arbitrary amount which is unfairly high, or selling to you forrepparttar 105726 asking price rather thanrepparttar 105727 bid price based on their own current valuations.

International Penny Stock - We’re not talking about living inrepparttar 105728 U.S. and steering clear of Canadian stock, or vice versa. We are talking about penny stock issues from Africa, Australia, European, Russian, or South American penny stock markets. First of all, you won’t be too impressed withrepparttar 105729 level of investor protection and exchange honesty in some of these regions, and you most certainly won’t be too impressed withrepparttar 105730 broker fees you incur when trying to purchase internationally.

Besides, if you can’t find good penny stock investments in North America, you won’t be able to find them anywhere else either.

Warrants and Rights - These are not technically stocks, but instead are derivative investments based on an underlying company's shares. However, they often appear like penny stocks because they sometimes get listed inrepparttar 105731 stock pages, and often trade for pennies.

It is unlikely that you will accidentally purchase derivatives, but make sure you know what you are trying to buy by understandingrepparttar 105732 listing criteria ofrepparttar 105733 paper you are reading, or verifying your purchase with your broker.

To get free information about investing in penny stocks visit http://www.pennystocks.com They offer information onrepparttar 105734 definition of penny stocks, getting started, benefits, risks and how to find a good penny stock.

Peter Leeds, one of North America's leading Investment Coaches, is a self-made millionaire who has created his fortunes on the stock markets. He has also empowered thousands of individuals to do the same. His personal success and incredible ability to consistently pick money-making stocks has earned him a loyal following of successful investors and has generated significant attention from the financial world.

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