Looking Back

Written by Rosalyn Bronstein

Continued from page 1

Life is made up of these experiences and unique connections, and our perceptions and thoughts have a lot to do withrepparttar quality of our memories. Friends can spend an afternoon together and yet come away with different feelings about that time. Each brings his own experiences to each event, and future events can only be viewed in terms ofrepparttar 111128 feelings developed inrepparttar 111129 past. Like a bridge,repparttar 111130 previous one shapes each current moment. Building one on another, they mold into shapingrepparttar 111131 uniqueness of each individual.

We rememberrepparttar 111132 special qualities of our family members and our friends –repparttar 111133 quirkiness,repparttar 111134 charm,repparttar 111135 brilliance, and allrepparttar 111136 things that draw us to them. Each, in their own way, has something to contribute to enhance our lives and make them better. We only need to look back and shape our present with positive thoughts fromrepparttar 111137 past.

Rosalyn Bronstein, for more than 20 years an author and consultant, has been an advisor to numerous multinational corporations and international organizations. Understanding the value of maintaining relationships, www.ntouchnrat.com was created. It’s a unique and secure way to never lose touch again with the people who have brought meaning to your life without having to use e-mail.

Sissy's Show of Support

Written by Skye Thomas

Continued from page 1

She went and gathered up a bunch of her art supplies and hung out with me until I finished. She even went a step further and ran me a nice hot bath as I was finishing uprepparttar last touches onrepparttar 111127 site. She hung out with me as I soaked inrepparttar 111128 tub talking with me about everything and nothing. Then she tucked me into bed and turned outrepparttar 111129 lights. She was so proud of me for completely rebuildingrepparttar 111130 site and not screaming and crying or giving up and quitting. That little show of support meant so much to me that I almost cried as I fell asleep.

What a wonderful thing we can learn from her. How many times do we simply let someone struggle alone because we have no idea how to help them? I can't begin to tell you how much it meant to me to have her simple companionship. It was during those hours between 1 and 3 am when I could barely see straight that having her there just to keep me awake meant so much to me. No, she didn't lift a finger. No, she didn't bail me out. No, she didn't fix it. She simply said, "You will not go through this alone. I will be here to cheer you on." Her presence made an ugly exhausting nightmare into a beautiful example ofrepparttar 111131 power of love. I felt so good byrepparttar 111132 time I melted into my pillows that I had no anger or resentment overrepparttar 111133 event. She made it all okay just by caring enough to show up.

It's easy to help our loved one's when we know what to do. Roll up your sleeves, dive in, and get to work! But what about those times when we're at a complete loss for words? What about when we don't haverepparttar 111134 tools or resources to help them? What about when their problem or challenge is completely over our head and beyond our area of expertise? What then? Typically, we stumble over some sort of an apology mixed in with excusing ourselves fromrepparttar 111135 problem. We wish them well and say a little prayer on their behalf. Next time, consider simply being fully present so they are not completely alone in their struggle. Seems stupid and small, but it's not. It's wonderful and huge.

Byrepparttar 111136 way,repparttar 111137 next morning,repparttar 111138 software locked up again. I finally invested in an upgrade!

Copyright 2004, Skye Thomas, Tomorrow's Edge

Skye Thomas began writing books and articles with an everyday practical approach to life in 1999 after twenty years of studying spirituality, metaphysics, astrology, personal growth, motivation, and parenting. After years of high heels and business clothes, she is currently enjoying working from home in her pajamas. Go to www.TomorrowsEdge.net to read more of her articles and to get a free preview of one of her books.

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