Lokmangal Biofertilizers

Written by Mahesh Deshmukh

Continued from page 1

Lokmangal Trichoderma: It is a non- pathogenic and eco-friendly product. The product is antagonistic hyper parasitic against different pathogens inrepparttar field and economically well established biocontrol agent

Lokmangal Composter: (Decomposing Culture): Composter breaks down any organic matter such as dead plants farm yard waste, cattle waste etc. thereby increasingrepparttar 103069 soil productivity.

Lokmangal Tricho-Card: Trichogramma is an efficient destroyer of eggs of many leaf and flower eaters, stems, fruit, shoot borers etc. It can be used in a variety of crops as well as in horticultural and ornamental plants,such as sugarcane,cotton,brinjal,tomato,corn,jawar,vegetables,citrus,paddy apple etc.

Lokmangal Vermi Compost: It is 100% pure eco-friendly organic fertilizer. This organic fertilizer has nitrogen phosphorus, potassium,organic carbon,sulphur,hormones,vitamins,enzymes and antibiotics which helps to improverepparttar 103070 quality and quantity of yield. It is observed that due to continuous misuse of chemical fertiliser soil losses its fertility and gets salty day by day. To overcome such problems natural farming isrepparttar 103071 only remedy and Vermi compost isrepparttar 103072 best solution.

Lokmangal Biocompost: It is eco-friendly organic fertilizer which is prepared fromrepparttar 103073 sugar industry waste material which is decomposed and enriched of with various plants and human friendly bacteria and fungi. Biocompost consists of nitrogen, phosphate solubilizing bacteria and various useful fungi like decomposing fungi, trichoderma viridea which protectsrepparttar 103074 plants from various soil borne disease and also help to increase soil fertility which results to a good quality product torepparttar 103075 farmers.

Mr. Mahesh Deshmukh is Vice Chairman of Lokmangal Agro Industries Ltd. He can be reached via email at lokmangal_agro@yahoo.com

URL: http://www.lokmangalgroup.com/biofertilizers Contact No:919422460661

10 Incredible Ways To Keep Your Sales Soaring

Written by celine Martin

Continued from page 1

7. Find a charity your target audience would likely support. Tell people on your ad copy that you will give a percentage ofrepparttar profits to that charity.

8. Hold a "buyrepparttar 103068 most wins contest" on your web site. Tell people each monthly winner will get their entire purchase refunded.

9. Attract visitors to your web site by offering them a free course. You could packagerepparttar 103069 course on a follow-up autoresponder and send lessons daily.

10. Interview people related to your industry and get their legal permission to convert it to an article. Promote your web site by submitting it to ezines.

celine Martin support@netprofitblueprint http://www.netprofitblueprint.com/index.php?ref=112


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