Locating and Installing a Water Source

Written by Jack Hudson

Continued from page 1

Reciprocating, or centrifugal pump lifts greater than 22 feet (sea level) will require a deep-well jet or reciprocating pump. Inrepparttar illustration you will note thatrepparttar 100427 upper 10 feet ofrepparttar 100428 dug well is filled with earth. A watertight slab is placed overrepparttar 100429 pervious lower section. If you use this type of construction, be sure to include a pipe sleeve large enough to installrepparttar 100430 water pipe and foot valve.

Also install a vent pipe. Cast some hooks inrepparttar 100431 slab so that you will have something to hold on to as you lower it into place. It will be heavy. This type of well is similar to a dug one, except that instead of digging a large hole, you dig one of small diameter. A well borer or earth auger is used to make a hole down to water level.

This system works best in firm sand, clay, or light gravel. The borer looks like a double shovel and has a handle about 4 feet long. As you go down, additional lengths of pipe are added torepparttar 100432 handle. Digging is done by forcingrepparttar 100433 borer intorepparttar 100434 ground and twistingrepparttar 100435 handle. Asrepparttar 100436 double shovel is filled, liftrepparttar 100437 earth out and empty. Keep going till you reach water.

When you find water, linerepparttar 100438 hole with large steel pipe or vitrified tile. Use an internal grapple to lower each section of tile intorepparttar 100439 hole. This lining should extend a little above ground to keep out surface water. Use a concrete platform atrepparttar 100440 top as shown inrepparttar 100441 illustration. The size and type of pump that can be used with this system isrepparttar 100442 same as withrepparttar 100443 dug well described before

About the Author: Jack Hudson is a writer for http://www.log-cabin-plans-n-kits.com and http://www.best-house-n-home-plans.com/. These two sites work collectively as a resouce for the planning and building of log cabins as well as choosing from different house plans. Visit one of these sites for informative articles as well as free TIPS for building a log home or choosing a house plan.

Choosing the Right Pipes and Plumbing System for Log Cabin

Written by Jack Hudson

Continued from page 1

Calkingrepparttar joints is done by packing them with strands of oakum. A yarning iron is helpful in gettingrepparttar 100426 oakum well pushed down. Whenrepparttar 100427 joint is about two-thirds full, hammer it all down tight. Fillrepparttar 100428 remainder ofrepparttar 100429 opening with molten lead.

Whenrepparttar 100430 lead is cooler but not set, tap lightly aroundrepparttar 100431 hub. When it is cool, pound with more force. The stack base end should point toward your septic tank or sewer. I would installrepparttar 100432 lavatory basin next. Part 3 goes on top of part I. You'll find that this fitting will slip up and down in part I. This allows you to adjustrepparttar 100433 height ofrepparttar 100434 lavatory basin.

This fitting has three tappings. One is forrepparttar 100435 lavatory basin,repparttar 100436 second is forrepparttar 100437 kitchen sink, andrepparttar 100438 third for laundry tubs if there are any. Close any unused tappings with cast-iron plugs. Before calking fitting 3, mark onrepparttar 100439 wall whererepparttar 100440 waste pipe from each fixture will enterrepparttar 100441 wall.

Adjustrepparttar 100442 height of part 3 so thatrepparttar 100443 height ofrepparttar 100444 lower tapping is atrepparttar 100445 same height asrepparttar 100446 lowest waste pipe. Then lower part 3 about 1/4 inch per foot of horizontal run to allow for drainage. You are now ready to calk this fitting as you did parts I and 2.

The next step is to installrepparttar 100447 vent pipe. Measurerepparttar 100448 distance fromrepparttar 100449 top of part 3 to about I foot aboverepparttar 100450 roof. Cut and threadrepparttar 100451 pipe and screw it intorepparttar 100452 lavatory fitting 3. Some systems use an increaser atrepparttar 100453 top of this pipe. If you are going to userepparttar 100454 cottage only duringrepparttar 100455 summer,repparttar 100456 increaser is an unnecessary part.

Use a standard vent-pipe flashing aroundrepparttar 100457 top ofrepparttar 100458 pipe. You're overrepparttar 100459 worst of it now. The only thing left to do is to runrepparttar 100460 various pipes fromrepparttar 100461 fixtures to parts I and 3. Drum trap (4) should be installed belowrepparttar 100462 floor, trap cover down, betweenrepparttar 100463 tub or shower andrepparttar 100464 closet-tub fitting (I).

Where it is necessary to make turns inrepparttar 100465 drainage lines, use 90-degree fittings. To installrepparttar 100466 seat, placerepparttar 100467 closet bolts inrepparttar 100468 closet collar so thatrepparttar 100469 threaded ends extend upward throughrepparttar 100470 flange. Setrepparttar 100471 collar inrepparttar 100472 floor overrepparttar 100473 top ofrepparttar 100474 closet bend and calk in place (5, 6, and 7). The asbestos gasket that comes withrepparttar 100475 seat should be put overrepparttar 100476 closet bottom outlet,repparttar 100477 seat moved into place, andrepparttar 100478 nuts tightened.

There isrepparttar 100479 drainage system of your cottage--except forrepparttar 100480 disposal unit. If there is a central disposal system or sewer that you can use, it is probable thatrepparttar 100481 connections to it will have to be made by a licensed plumber. Onrepparttar 100482 other hand, if you are going to install a septic tank, you will want to read on intorepparttar 100483 next section to find out what to do.

About the Author: Jack Hudson is a writer for http://www.log-cabin-plans-n-kits.com and http://www.best-house-n-home-plans.com/. These two sites work collectively as a resouce for the planning and building of log cabins as well as choosing from different house plans. Visit one of these sites for informative articles as well as free TIPS for building a log home or choosing a house plan.

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