Living in LOVE : Remembering why you married

Written by Samantha Olea,

Continued from page 1
Renew 1-If you eat dinner infront ofrepparttar TV, stop. Gather together atrepparttar 110797 table withrepparttar 110798 TV’s off, so you can actually connect to your family rather than ‘veg out’. 2-Be nice. Okay, sometimes that’s easier said than done, but a little sweetness can go a long way. When you get up or go to another room, ask, “Can I get you anything?” 3-Be forgetful. Don’t remember every little thing your spouse has done that irritates you. Sometimes we hold on torepparttar 110799 past because it feels familiar. Its not fair to holdrepparttar 110800 past against your spouse, and its not fair for them to do it to you. If they do, lead by example. Once they see you letting go ofrepparttar 110801 past, they will also. As long as they know you are holding on torepparttar 110802 past for future fight ammunition, they will dorepparttar 110803 same. 4-Touch. Place your hand on your spouse’s hand; lay your arm across their shoulders. An innocent touch can be justrepparttar 110804 softness and connection that your spouse is looking for. 5-Overlook. There is nothing gained by pointing out all of your spouse’s short comings, and when they have made a mistake don’t use it as an opportunity to put them down. Surprise them by ‘not noticing’ their mistake. No one likes to have their mistakes pointed out to them. We are all adults, and its likely that they are already aware of what they’ve done.

The point is, take some time to remember why you are in this marriage, take some self control and control your end ofrepparttar 110805 marriage, and takerepparttar 110806 gloves off. Your spouse is not your enemy, and remember though children arerepparttar 110807 products of marriage, they are notrepparttar 110808 glue that holds a marriage together…love is.

Living in love with your spouse can sometimes be challenging, and that’s okay- that’s whyrepparttar 110809 vows read for better, or for worse. With a little bit of effort on your part, and a partner that really loves you it is absolutely possible to live in love, and that is not only a great gift to yourself and your spouse. Living in love is a wonderful gift to your children.

About The Author:

Samantha Olea is a designer, business woman, wife, and most of all Mother of 2!  Samantha founded a free parenting resource at hoping to help every mom be the very best mom they can be!  Samantha is also the owner of her own web design, graphic design, and hosting firm at : and AWU Gifts:

Words of Wisdom for Single Parents

Written by Sarah Mitchell

Continued from page 1

Do not use your children for emotional support

Children need to have fun, play with their friends and enjoy their youth. Do not become overly possessive of your child or look to them for emotional support. This quite often leads torepparttar child feeling as overwhelmed as you are. Although you may not be ready for another romantic relationship, try to talk to other adults about your emotions.

Kids react best to routine

In order to create a stable household envirnonment with children, their must be rules and routine. Simple things like having dinner atrepparttar 110796 same time each night, bed time, homework time etc... If you can provide a schedule for them, they will feel a sense of security. Of course,repparttar 110797 correct dosage of attention and affection will also provide and sustain a nuturing environment, but a combination ofrepparttar 110798 two will always work best.

Don't forget about you

For single parents with a house full of kids and only one parent to do allrepparttar 110799 work and allrepparttar 110800 worrying, it may be easy to forget about ones self. It is crutial torepparttar 110801 well-being of your children, that you stay healthy. If you feel run down, ask another parent or relative to mindrepparttar 110802 kids for a night or two. Try to rememberrepparttar 110803 things you enjoy doing and dedicate a little bit of your time to do these things. The way a parent feels is quite often reflected in a child. If you are stressed out allrepparttar 110804 time, then this may directly or indirectly affect your child. So, try to stay calm aroundrepparttar 110805 kids when you can. Take a deep breath, or wait untilrepparttar 110806 kids are out ofrepparttar 110807 car before you start screaming!

Try to remember that it is all about quality not quantity. There are many two parnet households out their that are doing a much worse job than yourself. Just beacause a parent finds themsleves on their own, doesn't mean that things won't work out. Remember, not just anyone can run a house, raise kids and do a thousand other things all at once. Give yourself a pat onrepparttar 110808 back once in a while. You have a lot to be proud of. Best of luck to you!

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